Will JetBlue pick up Virgin America's slack?

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Originally, JB ordered something like 220 E190s. I think you will see no more than 75 on property all told. Big difference.

We had 100 firm with options for 100. We will take all 100 orders and lease/sell the old frames. Joel Petersens aircraft brokerage does well buying and selling all his planes.
Quote: Not so much a "shortage", it's more of a "waiting list" for brand new 320 NEO's as they roll off the assembly line. Airliners aren't like car lots where you just walk through a hanger and pick one out. You've got to wait your turn, which jetBlue has been doing so. They are in position to receive many of these 320 NEO's, and now it might be possible to receive them sooner, rather than later. JetBlue already has a deal to buy many more of this type of aircraft. Whether they are willing to play ball with an earlier order or not, only time will tell.

They did not sell/defer a ton of them.....For every 10 new Airbuses that JetBlue buys, they retire 3 of the old Airbuses. That keeps maintenance costs down while the total fleet number increases.
Ah the NEO. The plane that thinks it will rule the world with a low double digit fuel advantage despite a massive capex increase, inevitable delivery and reliability issues. Not buying the hype.
Quote: I wouldn't be surprised at all if JetBlue picks up Virgin Americas 20 A320's that they wont be receiving.

This is my prediction. Seems like a great offensive move.

Dream on. Ain't gonna happen, have some more blue juice.
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