Moving at the speed of negotiations.

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Quote: How about get everyone to jumpseat in Sunday and fly their scheduled DH on Monday. I'll bet it would only take one time to get some attention.

Probably can't tell/encourage folks to do that specifically but how about a FedEx ALPA BBQ w/ some free beer on Sunday afternoon in Memphis. Spread the word for a few weeks before the bid closes and get the interest level up - get folks to bite the bullet for a one day effort w/ some free food/drink as a reward and see what happens. Just a thought.
Alerdriver, as usual, on the mark. Take that to ALPA Adler, I'll be there for my scheduled DH, and the free beer and food of course.
Quote: Please tell me you are joking. There is not one thing wrong with flying a pairing as scheduled.

As for the BBQ, perhaps a little rah rah time for all of us on our dime would be good.
We could call the Sunday BBQ the pre turn (return; inturn). As long as there are no mandatory speeches I am in.
Quote: With all that is going on, remember to be safe. If you aren't stable, go around. Sure, it'll take 10 or 15 minutes to get back for a landing, but safety is paramount.
Or ... configure (and slow) to landing configuration outside the final approach fix (just like the book says). I'd bet you could do it with an LCA and/or FAA in the jumpseat?
Too confrontational.

Please tell me you are joking. There is not one thing wrong with flying a pairing as scheduled.

As for the BBQ, perhaps a little rah rah time for all of us on our dime would be good.

I wish I were joking.

To be clear, that's not my opinion. It's the reason the current leadership will cite for not conducting such an event. It's why SS won't wear his pilot uniform to the annual stockholders' meeting.

SS uses the analogy of a group of bikers and the difference between "optional rides" (for fun) and "mandatory rides" (when it's time to get serious). I think a BBQ and rally would have been a perfect way to mark our Feb 2013 "Post Interim Discussions" Openers. We missed that opportunity, so I think the 3rd anniversary of our October 2010 "real" Openers would be a great Sunday BBQ and rally "mandatory ride."

But ... facepainting at the zoo is about as bold an action as I think we'll see.

Well if that is all the interest we can muster then we probably deserve what we get and no more?
Quote: Well if that is all the interest we can muster then we probably deserve what we get and no more?
"We" always deserve what "we" get.......because "we" are totally in control of that; problem is most of us don't/can't/won't accept and take on that responsibility. Fly your trips no/more no less; take the scheduled Deadhead; conflict carryover; do not accept draft and certainly do not fly a DP. See how simple that is? Think of all the things you could get done at home..........
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