Need an airline guy for a Bonanza ferry

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Quote: Got it covered. Thanks for the PM's... and 35R, I'm sure you're a pleasure to spend 4 days with at work
Hm, from his post alone 35R seems like a fine person to fly with. He knows his worth. It's the sell outs with no spine I wouldn't want to fly with.

And he is also correct, at least for AA travel benefits it is against the rules to use them for anything but personal use.
Nah it was a great lakes pilot and he didn't expect to be paid or accomodated.
So he is basically treating the ferry job the same as his airline job.
Just a side question on the ferry flights (never done one, not planning to). How does insurance work on this? In other works, the thing is dubiously maintained, sends a piston out the cowling, and you land in a field and take out farmer Brown's prized cow. Seems a lot of folks are willing to jump on the bandwagon on these flights without asking those sorts of questions...
If any of you GA guys ever peruse the classifieds, you'll find a lot of ads from would-be ferry pilots who are airline guys, that openly advertise they'll use their own travel bennies. Typically their rates are on the low side of what the professional ferry pilots & outfits charge, as well. The pilot's name is typically on the ad, so it appears their airlines aren't actively searching out and eliminating the business non-rev travel abuse.

In the case of a relatively complex aircraft like the Bonanza, my very first requirement would be to find someone with Bonanza time, preferably somewhat recently. I'm personally current in light planes and wouldn't mind doing a ferry for the right price, but I certainly wouldn't volunteer to take a Bonanza of uncertain maintenance background without at least some time in the plane. I'm probably a lot more conservative than the guys who advertise any aircraft for $125/day while covering own travel expenses, though.
This is just sad
Anybody know an accountant that does taxes? I need somebody to do my return.

Compensation will not be provided.....

Quote: This is just sad
The guy looking for a ferry pilot on APC, or the guys piling on him? Most airline pilots are unaware how the ferry business works, doesn't hurt to have a thread about it in case one of us in presented with the opportunity sometime. I've personally done a few for friends, but always on an airplane in-annual (no ferry permit) & under current insurance policy that had me listed on it.
Quote: The guy looking for a ferry pilot on APC, or the guys piling on him? Most airline pilots are unaware how the ferry business works, doesn't hurt to have a thread about it in case one of us in presented with the opportunity sometime. I've personally done a few for friends, but always on an airplane in-annual (no ferry permit) & under current insurance policy that had me listed on it.
That could still get you in hot water. You really need more. A legal liability release for anything that might occur. If the insurance company thinks of you as a "contractor" they can and usually will come after you personally for damages. Just a FYI. No charge. (must be the hangover)
Quote: That could still get you in hot water. You really need more. A legal liability release for anything that might occur. If the insurance company thinks of you as a "contractor" they can and usually will come after you personally for damages. Just a FYI. No charge. (must be the hangover)
Yes, you would want specific "No Subrogation" language in the policy, as well as being named in the policy.

Even though nonrev/JS is not supposed to be used for business purposes everybody knows it is sometimes. I'm not sure how much of a problem I have with a pilot nonreving somewhere to earn a little extra cash. Reason being, it's his day off what do I care whether he nonrevs to Honolulu and lays on the beach or goes flying...maybe he just likes to do GA and it's cheaper to ferry planes than rent one.

I wouldn't do it, but I have other things to do on my day off.

Now I did hear of a guy who enrolled an employee of his side business as his "travel buddy" so the guy could nonrev in support of the business...that's a little over the top, and I heard somebody put a stop to it.
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