USA today poll on NAI

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Did Lee write that himself? The grammar and sentence structure are horrible, almost makes it unreadable. You would think he might get a proof reader for something so important to him. Counter that with the very well written viewpoint of USA Today and one can see why ALPA tends to lose these battles.

I've been saying for months that ALPA is fighting this with the wrong arguments. USA Today nailed it with their final 3 sentences:

So Norwegian's critics try to cast it as a lawbreaker while implying that safety is being compromised.

What's lacking is any proof. Unless the critics can demonstrate that Norwegian is doing something unsafe or illegal, the U.S. government should let NAI fly.
Compare that with Lee's last 3 sentences:

This isn't about "low cost" and "consumer choice." Consumers already have that option with NLH. It makes no sense to jeopardize U.S. jobs to accommodate this convoluted scheme.

The U.S. must deny NAI.

Nowhere in the article did he explain how NAI jeopardizes U.S. jobs other than to make a comparison to the U.S. maritime industry that most people are not going to understand. After all, they just watched Captain Phillips on HBO and know there are American captains in charge of big ships.

Further, the argument about low cost versus consumer choice and, "consumers already have that option", isn't well formed in the body of the article. To make it a closing point like that is poor debating style.

Quote: Did Lee write that himself? The grammar and sentence structure are horrible, almost makes it unreadable. You would think he might get a proof reader for something so important to him.

Consider the audience. The average McPaper reader is ... "special." That's why no one ever buys one.
Strongly agree to:
Why the U.S. must deny NAI: Opposing view (82%, 547 votes)
Strongly disagree to:
Let discount Norwegian fly: Our view (64%, 601 votes)

Quote: I'll write the unhonorable Senator Rubio and see what he thinks.
Is there an emoticon for vomit?
It belongs next to that "senator's" name...
Quote: Consider the audience. The average McPaper reader is ... "special." That's why no one ever buys one.
Agreed! And I'm a little surprised that rag came out against unions AND US business. Seems a little weird.
Its too bad ALPA won't fight scope erosion nearly as hard as they'll fight some NAI.
Quote: Its too bad ALPA won't fight scope erosion nearly as hard as they'll fight some NAI.
Not sure I get your point. It is up to each of us to fight scope erosion, which we have been pretty successful as of late btw... but there is little that dALPA, or uALPA can do as individual entities to fight the sand fleas or NAI. THAT is what we pay dues to a national organization for, and even at that they are handcuffed as to what they can do. (A big thank you to those that back the Pac).

So your comment about fighting scope erosion is pretty myopic when you view it with the perspective of what the sand fleas and groups like NAI can do to our industry.
Quote: Agreed! And I'm a little surprised that rag came out against unions AND US business. Seems a little weird.
I think thats because unions in general are a tool, as well as a "safe" voting block for the left. They'll use them for photo ops and fodder to justify their corporate bailouts disguised as gifts to labor, but at the end of the day nothing helps a left wing populist more than gifts to the masses.
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