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Quote: Jet,

I agree with the credibility problem with the training dept. This cred prob comes from management allowing them to sit forever in the sim. Their line fly month is usually on a vacation month or they just bump the ATL, ORD, or pick the closest PM O/B city.

I have had the VOR critique and had the guy laugh when I asked if he'd ever been there....(back in the day when all we had was the VOR. No touchdown zone lights etc...)

Mgt needs to hire more Flex's so they can all go fly the line on a regular basis. Instead, they run short of Flex's and they all work overtime. Funny, some said they had to work the extra or lose the job..... so they work the 350 400k/yr OT. And sleep in their own bed every night.

You know, the money they make has never bothered me. I came here to fly airplanes, not to completely train or critique others. So I'm glad that they have found someone that is willing to do those jobs. Better them than me. Besides, you've heard that old expression, haven't you? You know the one that says "those that can - do; while those that can't - teach."
It's a bad idea. Sim instructing is science, line instructing is art. They're two totally seperate animals.
Quote: You know, the money they make has never bothered me. I came here to fly airplanes, not to completely train or critique others. So I'm glad that they have found someone that is willing to do those jobs. Better them than me. Besides, you've heard that old expression, haven't you? You know the one that says "those that can - do; while those that can't - teach."
LOL! Haven't heard that one in awhile!

I don't care what they make. Just the critique from some who "Talk the Talk, but can't Walk the Walk"......


ie.. Was in TPE on a layover... I had about 3 yrs with the company. Looked up one of our LCA/Flex, Re-Hab managers, permanent non-line flyer (old green screen) who had been at the company about 12-13 yrs. He had all of 300 hrs more than I in FDX jets...
I heard this afternoon in the Boeing school house that they were in fact losing some LCAs because of the new job description. Mostly commuters who don't want to have to come sit in Memphis every 3rd month or take the 6 months it takes to get checked out in every phase of the ITU program.

I too feel that the training department needs to make some moves, but I'm not sure the superflex is going to solve much. It is, at least, an attempt to make some changes and improve things, so it is the least we can do to sit back and see how it shakes out. I hope it works out.

I too feel that the training department needs to make some moves, but I'm not sure the superflex is going to solve much. It is, at least, an attempt to make some changes and improve things, so it is the least we can do to sit back and see how it shakes out. I hope it works out.


Why not make the current Flex's actually Fly......! Sounds alot easier than what mgt has proposed....

Word on the street for the recent A300/310 superflex posting was no takers. Closes 26JAN07 for those still interested.
Quote: I think they are turning the job into a hybrid; you do linechecks, but also have to work the sim, classroom, etc. Not a good deal for alot of the LCAs since they are mostly commuters. LCA has to consent to being a sim instructor/PCA.
Looked to me like the INST block was p!ssed about the contract changes and end arounded it by making the hybrid job so that the instructors can get the extra cha-ching meant for the LCAs, and the current LCAs are saying take this job and shove it. Just my take from where I sit - on the outside looking in!
I have spoken with several LCA's on this subject. They told me that they were told they would be "grandfathered" and wouldn't have to do sim stuff if they didn't want to. None of them had any interest in the sim and thay said they would quit the LCA position if they had to do the sim drill. I was going to apply for an LCA job until they announced this change. I have no desire to do sim work/groundschool + I commute.
Quote: It's a bad idea. Sim instructing is science, line instructing is art. They're two totally seperate animals.
Totally agree on this subject. Can you see some of our sim instructors (SD or MH ) out in Subic on a dark and stormy night after flying around the pacific on a 10 day trip? Most of these instructors have 'nt been west of the mississippi in a long time. MEM-ATL or MEM-MIA or FLA is about it.

I was going to apply for the job but with only 8 to 10 years left I don't want to spend a year just to check out in the sim. There is a certain rhythm to running the sim and a certain rhythm to giving IOE. Hope it works for those that give it a try..................................
For my IOE I spent 10 days in Europe and Asia with a guy who was initial cadre on the MD11 here in the early nineties. Used to pick up the new planes from Long Beach. He had been an LCA for many many years, and flew hard international the whole time. I learned everything from how to find the Bon to how to taxi to the south side of CDG at night in the fog.

This guy to my knowledge never ran a sim and would laugh if you told him to. He was the best: a hard-core international guy who worked every flight to learn more about the system and the aircraft. It was a "high gain" learning experience for me.

The real risk here is - we've convinced ourselves that IOE is a mere formality - a week in an MD10 going to Dallas and back, and then over to Oahu and back for your international knowledge.

I think IOE should involve a round the world trip, with L-888 and many Subic landings. An Atlantic and a Pacific crossing. A look at Paris and Narita.

I got no problem with the LCA's going to the box, but at least one of the guys I did the box with would be inadequate doing IOE. And yes he was a captain.

LCA: The minimum ought to be 2000 hours PIC international. QED.
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