First confirmed Covid 19 Flt Ops.

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Quote: Oh, Phins, l almost forgot:

1. It is others’ not others - it’s possessive.
2. Your hands not you hands - also possessive.
3. You’re lost or you are lost, not your are.

Besides civility and kindness (and generally not being, you know, a real pr!ck), my village valued grammar and spelling, and pays attention to detail.

We all learn and practice different things though...
Resulting to grammar hits now? You've lost it.

Blame it on Jobs, it was voice to text.

Anything else?
Quote: Resulting to grammar hits now? You've lost it.

Blame it on Jobs, it was voice to text.

Anything else?

Ah, good old no. 2 in the Trumpanzee manual, blame someone else...usually it’s Hilary, Obama, mass media or the DeepStaters. Is Steve Jobs in there too?

Sure, a dead guy is responsible for your inability to express correct grammar.

I thought I was done but you are the gift that keeps on giving, aren’t you?
If the logic behind the shutdown is saving lives, then the economy should never be restarted...from the CDC:

The working economy is significantly more deadly than Coronavirus.
Quote: If the logic behind the shutdown is saving lives, then the economy should never be restarted...from the CDC:

The working economy is significantly more deadly than Coronavirus.
Haha. So true. Very interesting too. Where there are lockdowns or stay-at-home recommendations emergency room visits are down where Covid-19 hasn’t hit yet in big numbers. The emergency room I know of, visits are down as much as 2/3’s. Less car accidents, bar fights, shootings, etc. Big city but not too many Covid-19 patients so far.
Quote: The president is in office to serve all citizens, not just the ones who voted for him. Doing his job does not make him a hero because he helped people who voted for Hilary.

In reality, he’s held out on states that did vote for him because he doesn’t like the governor.

He’s not supposed to make masks from thin air, he’s supposed to be aiding the distribution of current stocks of masks as well as compelling the manufacturers to make more. At least he finally took action on that, very fortunate for those poor sick people who voted against him.
You know of this alleged holdout how?

Of course because the media and the offended gov and the potus political opponents told you so.

Got it. No bias there.

But Maybe you are on to something...maybe he got the idea in the potus pass down from the last guys directive that he was going to punish his enemies and reward his friends
Thread Drift Much
Came to thread to read up on Delta FLT Ops COVID cases...

Instead I just read 6 pages of back and forth about gender pronouns, typos of 30 Mil per day/year, battle of wits, illiteracy, something about veteran.....

For Fu@ks sake, create your own thread...stop thread drifting this one.

Now...does anyone know how many confirmed cases in FLT Ops? Are crew members they flew with being notified?
Quote: You know of this alleged holdout how?

Uh, he SAID IT.

Do you not see/hear what the orange, draft-dodging buffoon says when you see/hear him say it? Or are those all deep fakes?

You know, the “mass media” thing is getting a bit old. In a day and age where we are the most connected that humanity has ever been, with the most instantaneous information, it’s an intellectual cop-out to just reflexively assert that anything you don’t agree with is invalid because it is “mass media.” Like FauxNews is “unbiased.” PLEASE!? GMAFB

If you want to rebut an assertion, try harder than “fake news!”
Quote: Came to thread to read up on Delta FLT Ops COVID cases...

Instead I just read 6 pages of back and forth about gender pronouns, typos of 30 Mil per day/year, battle of wits, illiteracy, something about veteran.....

For Fu@ks sake, create your own thread...stop thread drifting this one.

Now...does anyone know how many confirmed cases in FLT Ops? Are crew members they flew with being notified?
Agreed. If youse guys want to talk politics, take it outside.
Quote: Now...does anyone know how many confirmed cases in FLT Ops? Are crew members they flew with being notified?
Good luck. I asked the same question back at #127....
Quote: FYI, According to the COVID-19 OSHA website, Airline Operations are listed third behind Healthcare and Deathcare workers regarding groups that are most likely to be exposed to COVID-19.

If you’d like to assess your risk of being exposed to COVID-19, you can formally request a copy of Delta’s COVID-19 illness records for pilots under 29 CFR 1904.35(a)(3).

Additionally, I’m wondering how DELTA is complying with 29 CFR 1910.132 and 134 regarding PPE which is mentioned on the above webpage?

The FAA released SAFO 20003 (Safety Alert for Operators) which recommends crew members monitor their temperature twice a day. Has DELTA issued guidance on this recommendation?
This is a good post.

What avenue would you use to make the request for records? Just email the CPO?
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