More bad news for Trans States Pilots

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Quote: On a completely unrelated tangent, had the best MX write up today in ORD. Passenger stuck in bathroom. 20 minute delay
That totally just made my night man! I don't think I could last more than the 2 maybe 3 minutes I had to take in there.
informational picketing in STL on 11/ there if your not working!!
Quote: informational picketing in STL on 11/ there if your not working!!
Man! It sucks! The two days I am off they want to have the Strike Office Open House. The one day they are going to do informational picketing, I have a day trip followed by 5 days of reserve.

How awesome would it be to be on airport reserve AND doing informational picketing?
Quote: How awesome would it be to be on airport reserve AND doing informational picketing?
Now that is fantastic!! LoL
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