Toddler & Mom Kicked Off Continental Express

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Geez, Tony. That union job is making you testy.
Geez, Tony. That union job is making you testy.

Just stickin' up for the mons . . . err, kid.

It must be that advocacy thing running in the blood.

Quote: All you are getting at is backpedalling. You failed to accurately describe the toddler's behavior, and now you fail to admit your mistake. That sounds a lot like the FA.

Few minutes that show was taking place? That's another spectacular void of situational awareness. I doubt you noticed that the Mom's home is in Oklahoma, and the show is broadcast live in New York City, and the Mom and toddler got from Oklahoma to New York City is some less-than-magical way. They slept in a strange hotel, and then woke up early in order to get to the studio. I could be off on the exact times, but I'm guessing a 4AM wake-up for a 5AM show at the studio. (Remember that 4AM in NYC is 3AM in Oklahoma, i.e., Toddler Time.) After arriving at the studio, there was time for make-up, microphone wiring, sound and lighting checks, preinterview to go over the story and the facts, and then they were left on the couch to wait for Diane Sawyer to get to their story. You know, the hurry up and wait routine? You don't think there were a few things in the studio that attracted the kid's attention, that then frustrated him when he was forced to remain in Mom's lap for no apparent reason?

More travel, strange bed, sleep interrupted, strange surroundings, strange stimuli -- and you think he was a monster? Even in your backpedalling, you didn't retract your name-calling. Sure, he was squirmy -- you call that nasty? He pushed the toy space shuttle -- you call that throwing something across the stage?

I maintain the toddler's behavior was nothing more than squirming to get down and play, and considering the circumstances of travel, sleep deprivation, and stimuli, he was well-behaved. Monsters don't say, "Thank you."

But, you perfectly demonstrate the process that the FA must have used to draw the conclusion that the toddler (or the Mom who refused to drug him) didn't belong on the airplane, and who then concocted a story to persuade the flight crew to toss them.

Let's make this simple. Rather than pursue the multitude of lapses in observation or inability to accurately characterize those observations, I'll boil it down to one:

You accused the toddler of throwing something across the stage.

1) Tell us what he threw across the stage


2) Retract the accusation and apologize

If you can't do one of those, we'll know where you stand, and we need not bother continuing this conversation with you.


Wow Poncho Villa, First off take a breather. Since its so important to you, no he didn't throw it he pushed it. Not that it really matters. The kiddo was such a handful while on the show and had to be Removed because of the way he was acting. Period The kid is on a roll! My bottom line is that YOU nor I know the F/A side of it. You may believe everything you see on the News but i Don't. They brought her and her son on to try and make it look like Poor Mommy and Sweet little angel getting pushed around because My big bad airline doesn't like kids to say, "Bye Bye Airplane" What a joke. In all seriousness you seem to be getting bent out of shape and i invite you to relax a bit. This is just a discussion. All in good spirits Mr.TonyC!!
I didn't say retract the accusation and claim it doesn't matter.

I said retract the accusation and apologize.

Have a nice day.

Quote: I didn't say retract the accusation and claim it doesn't matter.

I said retract the accusation and apologize.

Have a nice day.


I will tell you what I'll apologize when you apologize for getting bent out of shape. Just kidding with you. However Next time I see Mommy and Little Boy aka "Removed" I will be sure to apologize. However i do enjoy debating with you, you make good arguments as well. Do you fly Pax or Cargo? I am willing to bet Cargo. I see it way to often on the PAX side of people who have no common courtesy for others around them. Thats a big pet peeve of mine. Seriously Have a good day boss.
The kid does lack discipline. Or the mother doesn't come down on him hard enough. There is no way in hell I'd be allowed to act like that around my mother at his age. All she had to say was, "I'm going to tell your father when he gets home" and I was under control. Works for my cousins too. 3yr and 5yr old. Every time the get out of line I drop that line and if that doesn't work I pull out the belt. My grandfather, father, as well as sister and I all got it. When I have kids or am watching someone else's they'll get it too.
Against my better judgment (nothing better to do while I watch NASCAR Busch racing) ...

I will tell you what I'll apologize when you apologize for getting bent out of shape. Just kidding with you. However Next time I see Mommy and Little Boy aka "Removed" I will be sure to apologize. However i do enjoy debating with you, you make good arguments as well. Do you fly Pax or Cargo? I am willing to bet Cargo. I see it way to often on the PAX side of people who have no common courtesy for others around them. Thats a big pet peeve of mine. Seriously Have a good day boss.

I get bent out of shape when someone calls a toddler a monster.

You apparently get bent out of shape when someone says something uncomplimentary about YOUR airline. That's really what it's all about, isn't it?

I've tried to point out the facts, and contrast them with the inaccuracies you've reported. You've responded by calling me names and now by questioning my credibility and credentials.

Well, you got me. I'm not worthy to compete with you. I'll simply leave my observations as they stand, and anyone who wants to view the videos and draw their own conclusions can see for themselves. In other words, I rest my case.

Quote: The kid does lack discipline. Or the mother doesn't come down on him hard enough. There is no way in hell I'd be allowed to act like that around my mother at his age.
The "kid" is 19 months old, a toddler, more baby that "kid". Get back to us about how you keep 'em in line once you have the opportunity to raise one or two kiddos. He's doing what kids do, squirm, shout, and cry at the most inopportune moments.

I think the real story is IF the FA lied about threats and used those lies as the basis to charge the mom.
Quote: The kid does lack discipline. Or the mother doesn't come down on him hard enough. There is no way in hell I'd be allowed to act like that around my mother at his age. All she had to say was, "I'm going to tell your father when he gets home" and I was under control. Works for my cousins too. 3yr and 5yr old. Every time the get out of line I drop that line and if that doesn't work I pull out the belt. My grandfather, father, as well as sister and I all got it. When I have kids or am watching someone else's they'll get it too.
I don't understand you guys' argument here that the kid is out of line or a monster!! He was simply squirming around and playing with his little space shuttle!! WTF? are kid supposed to act like zombies at 19 months old? I just don't get it.
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