CFIs: Do you love your employer?

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I taught at ERAU Daytona for 3 years after teaching at a small part 61 school, and going from a student to the other side of the table was a great transition...they treat their employees extremely well....look it over. Pay is not at the top when compared to some Part 61 schools, but you are guaranteed alot of students, they can't hang on to many experienced instructors so multi time will build quick, and you can't beat the benefits. Maintenance and equipment are the best youll find anywhere. Check it out:

Really in the end it depends on th environment your looking to teach in (small school vs. academy/university), where you want to live, etc...good luck.
Quote: I've never met anyone that knows more about flying than Iain. It's a real treat to pick that guy's brain.
Yeah, humbling to fly with, too. Felt like a PPL student.
Quote: Yeah, humbling to fly with, too. Felt like a PPL student.

I know that feeling well.
At ERAU, how many hours a week pay are we talking?
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