Another Dagum 65 Rant!

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>>What is the point of supporting this lousy organization that has just cost the majority of pilots millions? (OH, I forgot, except for the greedy boys at the top!)
The money issue is a zero sum. You aren't getting it and the over 60 guy is. The amount paid out by the company is still going to be the same. It cost you, benefited him, that makes it even financially if not emotionally.
"You'll get a shot at making contract inputs again--that's one thing I thought we did do right last time. While pushing the over-60 guys out on a ice flow might be satisfying thought, thats all it is...a fantasy. The reality is a bunch of folks have changed the rules on us, and to help offset the damage we all get to try to work together. I think some of that senior crowd can be magnanimous to help the rest of us out. If they cannot--I promise I'll be the first to point it out."

One quick point. I am not advocating pushing anyone over 53 when this contract was signed onto an ice flow. (FH and his ilk are another matter! I would like to witness his encounter with any polar bears with his "injured" [yeah right] shoulder.) I am simply stating the need to take care of those left behind by the last contract and the Age change and most of them were under 53. Look at it this way, Age 53 and over was a priority on the last contract (though none of us really knew it) and it was taken care of. Now we move on to the next priority. That priority should not include taking anything away from those over 53 last October, just not getting them more in the next contract the priority again.

Congrats on your election and thank you for your willingness to serve. I could not vote for you or Vic but would have if able. Honestly, I don't see anything getting done in this union until DW is gone. He has ostracized this crew force, especially the junior pilots, and I have a bad feeling he is about to bone us again with the retro guys coming back without a bid. I hope I am wrong but his actions the last couple of years point to a different outcome. Anyway, thanks for your hard work and let us know what we can do to help.
Quote: I support the idea of some kind of A-Fund / B-Fund tradeoff like UPS did in their last deal. With the extra 750K-1M+ in salary the 60 yr olds are going to get, they can plan to do with a reduced A-Fund. A 12% B-fund and a 20% raise in F/O rates might get some of us junior folks to settle down. And if the senior crowd doesn't support that, then, well, I guess it WAS about the money all along.
Outstanding post...I was at the hub today and being very vocal about what I wanted to do...the next contract should have all the money going towards FO rates and we can negotiate A funds down etc...these people have to retire sometime and they should expect us to negotiate away some of their bennies...after all, they have an extra five years to prepare now at the highest payrates!! And if you think we cant reach a deal w/ the company and reach out and touch that money after retirement, guess again. Be careful what you wish for, most of us have long memories...
Quote: ". Anyway, thanks for your hard work and let us know what we can do to help.
Hold that thought. We'll be chatting more when Vic and I become MEC members. We work for you.

In the's the homework for you, and everyone else who wants to make changes.

1. Go the website. Read YOUR block rep's latest letters. Then go to the other reps and read their's too. Read the minutes from the last meetings. You'll probably have some questions--I did. So I called Tony and got some answers. DO THIS ONCE EVERY TWO WEEKS. I'm not lecturing you like a teacher or Sunday school leader to do something EVERY DAY, but rather once every two weeks log off APC for 10-15 minutes and be current on our ALPA board. I think they could do a better job of getting info out. However, its OUR responsiblity to read and absorb the info that is already there. No kidding--I learn something or pick something up every time I go there.

2. Make a list of what irritates you right now. Don't worry about sending it me...its YOUR list. Just write it down, reflect on it. and then sort of rank order what is bugging you most to least.

3. Think about practical suggestions. Again--leave venom and invection out of this, but think rationally. Also realize that the MEC doesn't necessarily reflect the position of EVERY block rep. Write down some suggestions to send to A) your MEC rep and B) me and C) Vic Liberti.

4. Be patient. There are a lot of thing I want to improve. Some I've disclosed very publically, others I've kept to myself. None of what we have in mind will take place in 30 days. I hope you see a difference by the summer. I hope by the following winter you REALLY get the feeling that at least some of the MEC members give a $hit about you and your situation. I've said it before--it won't happen overnight, and trust is earned. But you have got to give us a bit of time. If we want to make change, we've got to work with others. This is where I'll be asking for YOUR help. If I say to someone that the bros are screaming for something...well...I need you to be screaming for something. The worst thing you can do for Vic or me now is say "cool...they are on it...." and forget about us. No hiding behind the trees now will take YOU getting involved too to make the changes you want.

5. Think like a businessman. When I train interview clients, I generally make a lot of friends. I generally enjoy horses, and the people who board at my stable are generally nice folks. However, there are some clients who are a bit whiny, demanding, or obnoxious, and anyone who knows horse people knows there are sometimes strong personalities involved. However, if I can help a client--I know I will not only get to keep his money but will win the trust and future busienss due to his referrals. If I booted out boarders every time one of them ****ed me off....well....I'd have a lot better pasture and a lot fewer horses to tend after. However, I try to think big picture, and visualize what I want END GAME, not what I want RIGHT NOW. Sometimes that means biting my tongue, rolling with the flow, and dealing with a bit more horse$hit than (I think) a guy in my position should have to deal with. However, age and time have taught me that sometimes looking ahead not only reduces ones blood pressure, it makes you money. And brothers--in case you missed it--that's EXACTLY why I am in this business. I enjoy what I do, but I ain't in this for entertainment. If that's all I wanted I run a little FBO off in the sticks somewhere.
Maybe...not so fast......?
The following was posted on The fourth bullet under Discussion reads to me like one has to turn 60 on or after 13 DEC for itto apply........Hmmmmm..........interesting.........h old the celebration FH......

InFO - President Today Signed Age 65 Into Law
Notice Number: NOTC1079

President Today Signed Age 65 Into Law, Affecting Pilots Under Part 121
This InFO announces the "Fair Treatment for Experienced Pilots Act" (the Act), effective immediately, December 13, 2007, and highlights key provisions of the Act.
In November, 2006, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) revised the maximum age for certain pilots in international operations from age 60 to age 65. Until 12/13/07, the United States, an ICAO member state, limited its pilots operating under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 121 to age 60. Now those pilots may continue until age 65, as specified in the Act.
Key provisions of the Act include the following:
. As of 12/13/07, part 121, § 121.383(c), specifying age 60, ceases to be effective.
. A pilot age 60+ acting as pilot in command (PIC) in international operations must be paired with a pilot under age 60 (consistent with the current ICAO requirement).
. In domestic operations both pilots may be age 60+.
. It permits the continued employment of a pilot who reaches age 60 on or after 12/13/07.
. It permits the employment as a new-hire a pilot who reached age 60 before 12/13/07.
. A pilot age 60+ will not be subjected to different, greater, or more frequent medical exams.
. Any pilot age 60+ must hold a first-class medical certificate, renewable on a 6-month cycle.
. Any air carrier employing pilots age 60+ must adjust its training program to ensure such pilots' skill and judgment continue at acceptable levels.
. Any pilot age 60+ must undergo a line check at 6-month intervals.
. For a pilot age 60+ acting as second in command (SIC), a regularly scheduled simulator evaluation may substitute for a required line check.
Recommended Action:
Directors of safety, directors of operations, chief pilots, trainers, and pilots under part 121 should be aware of the Act and should collaborate immediately in implementing its provisions.
The exact language of the Act can be downloaded at the following public Web site: . In the "Search Bill Text" box click on "Bill Number," enter "HR 4343" and click Search.
An InFO contains valuable information for operators that should help them meet certain administrative, regulatory, or operational requirements with relatively low urgency or impact on safety.
For more information on this and other InFO's please go to the following URL:
Could you go back and make the text a few sizes larger. You know, these old eyes and all.

All kidding aside, thanks for posting as it's a very succinct document that answers a lot of questions.
Quote: Could you go back and make the text a few sizes larger. You know, these old eyes and all.

All kidding aside, thanks for posting as it's a very succinct document that answers a lot of questions.
Sorry about the font JJ, had to wear my spec's as well Cheers.

P.S. Hows the recovery going? And how are your Dobe's?
Quote: This is the biggest shaft job by the ALPA Maffia yet!!
Hey....there's only ONE "F" in the word Mafia. Capiche?
Quote: after all, they have an extra five years to prepare now at the highest payrates!! ...

Don't worry, they'll end up broke again and want the retirement age increased to 90.
Has it occured to any of you that many of us, over 50 guys, still want to retire at 60? If you start taking away from the older/senior guys...You'll just give them more reason to stay. And, if you go far enough...Their reasons may actually be valid.

Don't cut off your nose to spite your face. Hopefully, we will all be old some day. And, still be able to retire at 60.
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