Driving record...

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Quote: So airlines check the NDR correct?
And as stated above, the NDR only contains "serious" driving violations?
I had a speeding ticket issued over 7 years ago that I HONESTLY completely forgot to list (I was 19). Will airlines see this on the NDR?
Typically the NDR is for egregious behavior, but to be sure I highly recommend you order yours.
Taken from the NDR website: "The National Driver Register (NDR) is a computerized database of information about drivers who have had their licenses revoked or suspended, or who have been convicted of serious traffic violations such as driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs."


Quote: So, if you move from a different state to lets say California, do those tickets follow you when you apply for a different state license?
I have seen this happen, it depends on how advanced the state's reporting system is, and I suppose how "networked" they are.

Keep in mind that if an airline requests driving records from you they will request a report from each county where you lived.
When I had to get my records in North Dakota, I had to go to both the municpal and district court house to get all the info I needed, they didn't keep each others records.
Quote: Typically the NDR is for egregious behavior, but to be sure I highly recommend you order yours.
Taken from the NDR website: "The National Driver Register (NDR) is a computerized database of information about drivers who have had their licenses revoked or suspended, or who have been convicted of serious traffic violations such as driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs."


Looks like you are correct........After a lot of research, I found that the state in which I received the speeding ticket and the state in which I have my license both drop minor traffic violations from your record after three years. Also, they only report major convictions to the NDR, not your minor speeding ticket as you stated before.
Thanks for your help and info Lori
Quote: Looks like you are correct........After a lot of research, I found that the state in which I received the speeding ticket and the state in which I have my license both drop minor traffic violations from your record after three years. Also, they only report major convictions to the NDR, not your minor speeding ticket as you stated before.
Thanks for your help and info Lori
Best of luck!
I checked the link listed for the NDR, turns out you have to send the National Driver's Registration a notorized letter requesting to find out if you're listed. They need all the info from your Driver's Licence, such as Name, DOB, Ht, Wt, DL #, state, etc. I would imagine if you had licences from any other states and you want it checked then volunteer it. It's free, just the price of the stamp and getting the letter notarized. Their address is:
National Drivers Registration
1200 New Jersey Ave SE
Rm W55-123
Washington DC 20590

Hope it helps!
I live in Virginia and the speeding rules are by far the worst (not to mention the drivers that live in the commonwealth- I thought Florida was bad).
Anything above 20 mph = reckless driving
Anything above 80 mph = reckless driving
Anything above 90 mph = jail time (even first time offense).
I drive a fast car and it is damn easy to hit 80 without even being aware of it. I have never been caught, but my loving wife makes it a point to help me understand was what is involved if I was pulled over.
Becareful, it ain't worth it.......
Quote: I live in Virginia and the speeding rules are by far the worst (not to mention the drivers that live in the commonwealth- I thought Florida was bad).
Anything above 20 mph = reckless driving
Anything above 80 mph = reckless driving
Anything above 90 mph = jail time (even first time offense).
I drive a fast car and it is damn easy to hit 80 without even being aware of it. I have never been caught, but my loving wife makes it a point to help me understand was what is involved if I was pulled over.
Becareful, it ain't worth it.......
always be cautious between charlottesville and lynchburg

I live in WI, and in WI, the driver record shows all the citations (plus accidents, even if they're not your fault!!!) for the past 5 years, unless it's an alchohol-related infraction, then it's at least 10 years.

I have lived in multiple states, and have multiple tickets (no alchohol-related ones) that are so old and/or old and not from WI, that don't show on my record.

I don't know the details/years, etc. on these old tickets.

I read, several places, that these citations CAN be found somehow.

I can't access them, so what should I do?


State driving records are special. Special in the sense that airlines can't get their hands on them directly - this is why they ask you to bring them to the interview. Every state is different regarding how long their records appear; some are five years, some ten.
These are fundamentals to know right off the bat.

If you received tickets in other states, that state *should* report it to the state where you hold your driver's license.

Do the best you can to remember at least the year of the ticket - that's all you can do. But you need to make at least an attempt. Otherwise, if you just say you don't remember it appears that you either don't care enough to comply or are trying to hide something. Either way it spells "bad apple" for the airline.

It's important to remember the reason that the airlines want these records. They want to see if you have established a pattern. A pattern of perhaps reckless behavior or disregard for the law.

To fully comply with the airline's request of driving records you must to the Dept. of Motor Vehicles for each state where you held a driver's license. If you have only ever held a driver's license for WI, then WI state driving record is all you need to present.

My recommendation is to order a copy of your National Driver Registry record. This the airlines can and do request with a signed release. Know what's there.

I hope this helps!
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