I am 40....should I look at the accelerated programs?

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Hi Guys !!
Thanks for all the greetings !!

I have been enjoying my little Cessna 150. It has been a blast relearning how to fly a small plane again. The simple joy of a scenic flight over the mountains is highly energising. I am looking forward to cross country adventures this spring.

It is no fun to be a gloom and doomer all the time. I honestly wish that we all were able to secure fulfilling and meaningful employment at the companies of our dreams. I wish that our God given skills, interest and abilities were valued and respected by the marketplace. The truth sadly is in conflict with most of our needs and expectations. I believe that there is no profit in self delusion and that in order to succeed we all need to research the truth for ourselves and to make decisions in our life based on fact and logic instead of solely what our desires are.

As for me I will be advancing my aviation career by taking on a goal list of local trips and accomplishments in my 150 !!!! I still however hold out hope of finding a livable situation soon and return to full time professional aviation. Never give up.

Just do it
I went to ATP I am 30 years old I have NO College, I made movies...made a bit of money got devorced (best idea to date) and went flying. I now fly a Kig Air 350 (type Rating Requied, I didn't pay for it the company did) I fly a Premier 1 A a Conquest. I have been accepted for the airline and declined because of the pay that this company they offered me. You are 40 who cares. Do it live your life because you are going to wake up at 60 and go......S*&^. why didn't I just go for it.
Good luck, you need anything feel free to email me.


David Bond
Quote: im 38 with 565 tt but need to get FAA licenses....been waiting a long time and I think this is the right time to be a pilot and is going to get better in my honest opinion....if you have support from your wifey go ahead..don't look BACK
So you've been flying around this whole time without an FAA license???
High Time
Quote: So you've been flying around this whole time without an FAA license???
I had a pvt student once in Alaska who had 4000 hours. He owned his own plane and hadn't been trained. He didn't think the FAA could take away his license if he didn't have one. He even flew semi professionally as a fish spotter.

Quote: So you've been flying around this whole time without an FAA license???
Not all licenses come from the FAA.. remember this is the WORLD wide web.
Quote: Not having a college degree is going to limit you to regionals or Part 135 freight operations. This is a big minus, you will need a degree to fly for a major like Cathay.
Do you mean a degree in aviation or a degree in general?
Quote: Do you mean a degree in aviation or a degree in general?
OUCH concorde - this is an awfully old thread to bring back from the dead for a question that can answered by reading any number of other threads.

To answer your question - ANY degree. Check the box.

Quote: I had a pvt student once in Alaska who had 4000 hours. He owned his own plane and hadn't been trained. He didn't think the FAA could take away his license if he didn't have one. He even flew semi professionally as a fish spotter.

Best idea I've ever heard! lol
OK since this has come back from the dead, how about we have the OP and the other aspiring older folks tell us where they are two years later. That might lend some inspiration to the other "older" folks around here that are trying to decide whether to jump in or not.
Quote: OK since this has come back from the dead, how about we have the OP and the other aspiring older folks tell us where they are two years later. That might lend some inspiration to the other "older" folks around here that are trying to decide whether to jump in or not.
The OP seems to be long gone
Last Activity: 06-26-2008 11:48 AM

As for the others - well I'd say that many are still around and have already shared much over the past 4 years.
I think this one is best left for dead.

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