Internet dating for pilots

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Try E-Cacophony for the most realistic experience.
Quote: I did the dead, ....and 41-49 year old cougars every night for a week starting Friday!
Uh, we are going to have to draw the line at necrophilia. The zombie stuff is two threads over.
You may find less legal entanglement with cold showers and instructions to be very still.
Quote: If a cougar is an older woman dating (or prowling) younger men, what do you call an older man looking for younger women? An old goat? Or how about a Jackass?
An older man who aggressively looks for younger women, is called a COD.

COD stands for creepy older dude. I learned that from an ex-girlfriend.
All jokes aside. I have had GREAT sucess with online dating. As a pilot flying international it works great for my lifestyle.I was skeptical at first but I have used three sites to shall I say much success !!!! I highly reccommend online dating,and encourage you to decide what type of partner you're looking for.That person(s),are out there. No more bars or clubs for me.....

How do you define "great success?" A woman in every layover (no pun intended )? Which sites did you use? Are these long term relationships or fly by night like our cargo friends? Are you looking for younger or older women? Somehow I don't think you are an old goat or a COD.
what does dating mean???
I had a terrible experience. Stopped it since then.
Quote: Ve764,

How do you define "great success?" A woman in every layover (no pun intended )? Which sites did you use? Are these long term relationships or fly by night like our cargo friends? Are you looking for younger or older women? Somehow I don't think you are an old goat or a COD.
For me I define "great sucess' with the ability to have a woman in every port,or meeting quality woman from different parts of the world who appreciates the kind of man I am.My experience is they are out there.I am looking for a long term,but you gotta go thru some yucky ones to find your mate.Fly by night,naw that's to easy anybody can have that.Age or color makes no diff to me at all. I believe sometimes the love of your life is not located in your city,state,or country.My last long term she lived in Shannon and I lived in Austin,yet I saw her 4X a month.Thank you for the compliment for I am neither.Just a guy opening my horizons to a fantastic dating vehicle. Sites,well you just have to try a few and see which one has "Chemistry" with you.Good Luck....Cheers
I met my wife of 6 years (yes, and counting) online.
Met my wife on a site that had "Chemistry" far so
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