Jeff Skiles....encouraging aspiring pilots

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Quote: It still happens... My older bro-Southwest, my younger bro- US Airways, My wife- Continental, My son ExpressJet, my Dad- Air Berlin, me-Pinnacle.
I don't think that's what Jeff was referring to, as all of your brothers work for "big" airlines and your son and yourself are "stuck" at the smaller ones, most likely all of them are extremely limited in their ability to "move up" to new equipment or positions, and that's what this is about. Do you have a chance of working for "Air Berlin" like your Dad? Before you turn 55? That is what should be talked about to those that are interested in airlines (not "aviation"). Is it all worth it for the "chance" to maybe make it big when you get relatively old and not as able to really enjoy the money, family and lifestyle?
Same here...

Grandfather -Pan Am and American
Dad -Lufthansa
Mom -American
My Wife -Lufthansa
Aunt -FedEx
Uncle -Delta
Older bro -Pinnacle
Little bro -Mesaba

All flight ops, that doesn't include the others who are outside of the plane.

that has to be a nightmare to schedule a holiday get together
I suppose "making it big" means different things to different people. I may finish my career right where I'm at... and that's ok.
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