Air Force OPR's in the Airlines

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Quote: Well its a Referral OPR due to receiving an LOR with a UIF for texting in the cockpit. I was instructing a student on his last ride before sending him to his checkride. While we were at an outbase practicing emergency landing patterns the student could not get one of them on the ground so I knew I was going to hook him and not send him to his checkride the next day. It was the last go of the day, at the very end of the day, and my scheduler was back in the flightroom building the schedule for the next day and coordinating to have a Check IP fly with this student on his checkride. By the time I made it back to the flight room it would have been another hour and a half and everyone would have gone home for the day and the scheduler would have had to change everything last minute. Having been a scheduler in the past I know what it feels like to have a bomb dropped in your schedule last minute thus keeping you there that much later when you already are the last one in the flight walking out the door every night.

So needless to say I texted him while climbing out on a simple VFR departure on a clear and a million day. A quick text that basically said... "Lt XXXX is hooking this ride, plan accordingly." Was it wrong and was I in direct violation of an AFI? Absolutely. Do I regret doing it and wish I could take it back. No doubt. Is the LOR and subsequent referral OPR warranted? I don't know and that wasn't for me to decide. In today's climate of people doing flyby's 18ft above the Scoreboard, barrel rolling King Air's, and anything else that is driving this focus on Flight Discipline I can understand why leadership would like to make a statement.

Does it stink that it has probably ended my Air Force career? Sure, but I never saw myself making a career out of the Air Force anyways and I was grateful that a flight related disciplinary action was not taken and it was left to an LOR with a UIF. Now I just learned that it will be driving a referral OPR so I was curious how much of an affect this will have in the airlines...

Cheers fellas
Wow. Your story epitomizes why I cannot wait to get out of active duty. It's absolutely terrible. To say that this isn't the service and job I thought I was getting into would be an understatement.

That said, this UIF might work out great for you. How much longer is your ADSC? With rumors of future RIF/ Force Shaping Boards (whatever they decide to call it that day), the UIF might be your ticket out of this hell hole. Perhaps I should start texting people from the cockpit too. Oh wait, we do that (and look up weather, NOTAMs, etc) all the time, and nobody cares provided you're PNF.
Quote: Sounds like your "bud" the scheduler, who you were trying to do a solid, should have kept his pie-hole shut and just re-worked the schedule.

I think Delta might be in the minority on the use of OPRs. Good luck.

Wow - you AD guys really do eat your young. Somebody needs to order a Code Red.
I never provided any OPR's - granted, that was a 15 years ago, and I was only a Reserve baby, but if I were you, I'd leave them out of the package.
Quote: Right...the online app is the most important thing to get right. OPRs, Forms 8, etc. are brought with you for the interview. My interview was 1 hour long with 3 people: one Human Resources person, an Active Delta Captain, and a Retired Delta Captain. We spent at least 1/3 of the time verifying all of the information I placed in the online app. Realize too that Delta loves military pilots.
Sweet man. I've always been a sucker for the widgeon since I was a kid and Atlanta is near my hometown so it's good to know Delta is still an option.
Quote: Wow. Your story epitomizes why I cannot wait to get out of active duty. It's absolutely terrible. To say that this isn't the service and job I thought I was getting into would be an understatement.

That said, this UIF might work out great for you. How much longer is your ADSC? With rumors of future RIF/ Force Shaping Boards (whatever they decide to call it that day), the UIF might be your ticket out of this hell hole. Perhaps I should start texting people from the cockpit too. Oh wait, we do that (and look up weather, NOTAMs, etc) all the time, and nobody cares provided you're PNF.
That's exactly what I was thinking. I've got 7 years left on my ADSC so a RIF wouldn't be the worst thing especially considering I think I have a good shot at a Reserve unit in my hometown and hopefully the predicted airline hiring boom begins. Worse things could have happened so I'm really not that bitter. Who know's it could have been a blessing in disguise. Just hope the Reserve bubba's don't hold the referral OPR against me.

The word on the street is that the plan for the next round of manpower cuts will be released in mid-march and that Captains with 6 years of service or less will be targeted so I've already begun my job search.
Are you an O-3 already then? I wouldn't fret the OPR, but make darn sure you own the mistake (as you have). The FAA and Airlines are a lot more standardized than the USAF. Texting on climb out, especially with a student was a very dumb thing to do.
Nice. I once had an IP reschedule a low level entry on cruise somewhere over Mississippi. I didn't give it a second thought.

It's not like you overshot your destination by 100 miles cause you were playing Angry Birds.
Quote: And FAIPs wonder where they get their reputation.
Yes,... backstabbing never happens anywhere else in AF aviation... only with FAIPs. Copy all.

For the record, FLY6584: no one did a barrel roll in the MC-12.
Quote: Hard to believe that someone would turn you in for that. It's minutia, really. How that would find its way to an OPR is beyond me.

We text in the cockpit all the time, usually concerning even less important minutia. Our texting is just done via ACARS.
It's not hard to believe at all, trust me. Being a fellow member of the "First Command" aka AETC, this let's make an example out of everyone mentality was done in response to the random jacka$$ery of others in the recent past. I could give more examples of the stupidity forced on the many by the actions of a few, but that would be another thread all together.
Quote: Yes,... backstabbing never happens anywhere else in AF aviation... only with FAIPs. Copy all.

For the record, FLY6584: no one did a barrel roll in the MC-12.
Yeah that's what a buddy of mine told me the other day.

Huggy on a side note would this kind of thing make applying to the U2 difficult?
The sad thing is that the douchebag who turned you in will make O-6 (at least).

I interviewed at brown and SWA and my OPR's were never asked for.

I had a FAIP at UPT (years ago) who was accepted to U-2's, then (before his PCS) got a DUI, and they still took him.

I have been on Guard pilot hiring boards, and you have nothing to worry about.

good luck.
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