RAH F/A caught with gun

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Quote: Good thing the F/As are going to be included in the KCM program
Not much room there... there's been a handful of pilots to pull the same stunt.
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The FA in question was PHL-based and going to work. She also apparently had a legal PA concealed carry permit. Having the weapon in her work luggage was stupid, no doubt, and she deserves whatever consequences under the law or her employment might be forthcoming.

The article I read said she was going PHL-DEN, not DFW. Regardless, both of those markets are US-mainline only (I think Republic does DFW on weekends occasionally), which makes me think she was probably deadheading. (Or the media got it wrong, which would hardly be a surprise.)

My highest disdain in this case is for the CITY OF PHILADELPHIA POLICE OFFICER who was apparently attempting to unload the weapon and render it safe when she accidentally discharged it. (The story I read identifies the "discharger" as a female PPD officer on airport duty.) That a law enforcement officer was so careless in handling a firearm really galls me ...
Quote: Good thing the F/As are going to be included in the KCM program
I feel safer with a FA that might accidentally bring their firearm to work than with a cop who can't properly and safely clear and unload a firearm.
The cop could of killed someone. He or she will get 2 weeks off without pay.

BTW - unless the gun was defective the only way it could go off was if the trigger was pulled.

You do not unload a revolver by pulling a trigger.
Quote: The saddest part is that a regional airline is doing Philly to Dallas.
They're practically mainline.. Everyone knows that!
Real cute...let me guess..?? You're XJET or PSA?
Quote: The actions of the officer who discharged the weapon will be reviewed by the Philadelphia Police Department Internal Affairs unit.
IOW, likely nothing whatsoever will be done to the officer, and worst case a slap on the wrist and back to work after some beach time. If the "suspect" had "accidentally" shot it in the airport they'd put her under the jail while the pundits squealed how that was proof that "civilians" aren't trained to the level of the government to have guns in the first place.

This one is still there and even got promoted:

Police negligence -- cop accidentally shoots suspect - YouTube

Whoops, datwuz mah bad!
You do not unload a revolver by pulling a trigger.
That is one way to unload a revolver.
Originally Posted by Radials Rule
The saddest part is that a regional airline is doing Philly to Dallas.
Quote: They're practically mainline.. Everyone knows that!
Quote: Real cute...let me guess..?? You're XJET or PSA?
I'm sure BT was being sarcastic.
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