Arbitrator rules in favor of ALPA

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Quote: You must really like the sound of your own voice.

How about we dispense with the stupid euphemisms, and just let the facts speak for themselves in front of an arbitrator.
When I type on my computer, apparently unlike you, I don't hear my voice or any other voice in my head. You know they make medication for that.

Contrary to what the few Trannies that post in here believe, the people of Southwest airlines are not out to get you. Like you, most of us are just hard working people trying to survive in a difficult world and put food on the table for our families.

On a personal level, because of this acquisition, I will never get to upgrade to Captain. I am now a career FO at Southwest. I didn't work my a$$ off my entire aviation career to retire in the right seat. I didn't turn down jobs at other airlines to retire in the right seat. I didn't spend over $9,000 to get my type rating in a B737, just for the chance to interview so I could retire in the right seat.

But guess what? That is just the way life is. Complaining and moaning about it to anyone who will listen are wasted moments of my life I will never get back. At the end of every day I am thankful for the opportunity to work in a profession that I enjoy. I am thankful for the stability my employer provides me. I am thankful for a very healthy paycheck and large number of days off each month to spend with my wife and children. These are all things that Southwest airlines customers provide to ALL of us, including you.

Instead of focusing on what you don't have, why don't you try focusing on what you do have, and be thankful. You just might live a longer and happier life.

Going around and around on these issues with you guys are also moments of my life I will never get back. Adios!!
Quote: W

Instead of focusing on what you don't have, why don't you try focusing on what you do have, and be thankful. You just might live a longer and happier life.

Going around and around on these issues with you guys are also moments of my life I will never get back. Adios!!
THis is waaaayyy too funny. You do realize that you started this, don't you?
Quote: On a personal level, because of this acquisition, I will never get to upgrade to Captain. I am now a career FO at Southwest.
How old are you and what year were you hired?
JDFlyer, if you aren't going to upgrade after the acquisition. Then I'm quite sure you weren't going to upgrade before it either.
Quote: JDFlyer, if you aren't going to upgrade after the acquisition. Then I'm quite sure you weren't going to upgrade before it either.
My point exactly...
Quote: On a personal level, because of this acquisition, I will never get to upgrade to Captain. I am now a career FO at Southwest. I didn't work my a$$ off my entire aviation career to retire in the right seat. I didn't turn down jobs at other airlines to retire in the right seat. I didn't spend over $9,000 to get my type rating in a B737, just for the chance to interview so I could retire in the right seat.

There are far more AirTran FO's stuck in the right seat (forever) because of this merger. The good news is we are not out $9K for a type rating.
On a personal level, because of this acquisition, I will never get to upgrade to Captain.

"It wasn't do we grow Southwest, or do we buy AirTran? It was, we need AirTran, so we can grow in the future", Mr. Kelly said.
Quote: SWAPA?

What part of any of these corporate decisions do you think SWAPA has any input on?
Do you REALLY believe this????????????
Quote: JDFlyer, if you aren't going to upgrade after the acquisition. Then I'm quite sure you weren't going to upgrade before it either.

Nope. That is dead wrong.
As a SWA FO probably close to JD's seniority, I have to agree that the growth fairy had died long before the AT purchase, but most people hadn't realized it yet. BUT--who cares. None of us really know, or knew for sure.

I think the airline has a better looking future now than it did before the purchase was announced.
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