FDX - 757 Disputed Pairings - August

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Quote: I think the point trying to be made is...The enemy is within our own ranks. Not just across the table.

Minor detail: We don't have a closed shop. We have agency shop in our CBA.(for most)
Absolutely and it is NOT the entire crew force but "some"

And thanks for the correction.. That's what I meant!
It does look like the usual customers for the captains. Are these guys in the union? Do they understand what they're doing? If they've been here long enough to be a captain, they should know about the disputed pairing process.
Quote: It does look like the usual customers for the captains. Are these guys in the union? Do they understand what they're doing? If they've been here long enough to be a captain, they should know about the disputed pairing process.
They do. They don't care. It fits their footprint...
It's a 1% problem in the left seat...FOs doing great!
Quote: It's a 1% problem in the left seat...FOs doing great!
I think the percentage is > 1%
Quote: I think the percentage is > 1%
Generally speaking it may be, but that's the actual data so far this month

(Note: The rest of the trips have been assigned by scheduling --- off Reserve or right after IOE)

Lets keep building our safety conscious crew force and strive for 0% accidents ....and 0% DPs!

They are related!
Quote: I think the percentage is > 1%
They are members of exclusive group.

Some are non-union, but those numbers are rapidly dwindling. Except for the 10 or so junior non-union guys who use the poor ALPA presentation during indoc as an excuse. Like they can't think for themselves! Which, incidentally, is what they privately say about the dues payers.

Anyhoo, these are the same types of guys who would sue the union if they didn't get represented for charging $25 fictitious taxi charges. The same guys who will happily throw 70% of the pilots under the bus for their pet projects. The same type who will fly 7 days of carry-over every month during 4a2b then scream bloody murder when the NC tries to make it more equitable the next time. In short, it's an eclectic "group" that all have the same agenda. Me, Me, Me


How could they push PBS when we all know the management culture here does not fit that model? Disputed pairings month after month. Accepted fare games, unless you have a friend in management to "fix it". Same with dropping R days. Know a Fleet CA or the CP?, no problem. They would have to fire and replace over half of the lower managers that work with pilots to make PBS work as it should. It would be critical during the implementation phase as they worked the bugs out. They are NOT willing to do that. If we proposed it they would say, "Why? They're doing great." Just think about the decisions they make on an almost daily basis. If it costs $1, they won't help you. If it saves a little, but they won't personally benefit from the change (extra work), they won't help you. Even under the ideal conditions of new, responsive management working with us this time, it would still suck. So why are they pushing it? Because time and time again when they've flashed a little cash we have fallen in line. HKG LOA #1, enough said.

Not to mention the total cost of having pilots would go down, down, down. They are dreaming about their bonuses. All personal integrity has gone out the window for the PBS pushers.

We've met the enemy and he is (among) us.
Quote: How could they push PBS when we all know the management culture here does not fit that model? Disputed pairings month after month. Accepted fare games, unless you have a friend in management to "fix it". Same with dropping R days. Know a Fleet CA or the CP?, no problem. They would have to fire and replace over half of the lower managers that work with pilots to make PBS work as it should. It would be critical during the implementation phase as they worked the bugs out. They are NOT willing to do that. If we proposed it they would say, "Why? They're doing great." Just think about the decisions they make on an almost daily basis. If it costs $1, they won't help you. If it saves a little, but they won't personally benefit from the change (extra work), they won't help you. Even under the ideal conditions of new, responsive management working with us this time, it would still suck. So why are they pushing it? Because time and time again when they've flashed a little cash we have fallen in line. HKG LOA #1, enough said.

Not to mention the total cost of having pilots would go down, down, down. They are dreaming about their bonuses. All personal integrity has gone out the window for the PBS pushers.

We've met the enemy and he is (among) us.
I'm generally inclined to agree and have the following observations ...

- Years ago when when I was a new hire here, I approached management and training with what I thought were better (more efficient, safer, saved money) ideas. I was shocked when, without even giving me the chance to spew my wonderful thoughts, they made it quite clear that they honestly didn't want to hear them? How could people this close minded EVER end up in these positions I wondered?

- I later interviewed for a 'Flight Test' job. My first observation was that the manager was rude enough to read my resume for 10 minutes while I sat in his office. In accordance with the job announcement, I'd sent my resume in 3 weeks earlier? He finished, looked up over the top of his half glasses and smirked, "You're one of them smart guys." I suggested that he probably wouldn't want anybody in that job that actually had experience and was smart enough to ask good questions (Between flying jobs I was a GPS Flight Test Engineer and they were doing GPS testing!*? I had a military assignment in a Test and Evaluation Squadron!). I left the interview quite certain I was overqualified for the job (more qualified than the manager?)

- I'm one of those 'sea-lawyers that actually reads the TA BEFORE I vote for it. It never occurred to me that ALL the scheduling options available would get globally disapproved for "INSUFFICIENT RESERVES."

I eventually understood that it was all about the money although I'm sure I don't agree with the the, "Look at how much money we make, we (the corporation) must be doing things right" mentality.
Quote: It's a 1% problem in the left seat...FOs doing great!

OK...got a little ahead of myself.

Now a known, FO DP flyer is "ca$hing in" later in the month too.

So it's a 1/2% problem in the FO seat this month.

Hopefully, the other 99.5% keep focused on safety & unity.
Quote: Generally speaking it may be, but that's the actual data so far this month

(Note: The rest of the trips have been assigned by scheduling --- off Reserve or right after IOE)

Lets keep building our safety conscious crew force and strive for 0% accidents ....and 0% DPs!

They are related!
Even out of training on a custom line you should not be assigned a DP without requesting it. During training yes, but not on your custom line.
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