DC base

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Quote: That's a good point about being able to aggressive pick up.

Regarding trips in DCA and ORD, are there trips in the bid packet that report later (1400ish)? I know I would need some seniority to hold them, but Just wondering if I'll have to commute the day before a trip forever.
You will have to until your seniority can hold it. If you need a timeline then I can guarantee you will be able to do it before you retire if you don't change seats.
Quote: You will have to until your seniority can hold it. If you need a timeline then I can guarantee you will be able to do it before you retire if you don't change seats.
I didn't think there'd be any guarantees

I'm just trying to get a feel for what type trips are available. Commuting is tough, but having to commute night before a trip makes it tougher. So there are some trips in the mix that report later? Everyone I have talked to only mentions early reports.
Quote: I didn't think there'd be any guarantees

I'm just trying to get a feel for what type trips are available. Commuting is tough, but having to commute night before a trip makes it tougher. So there are some trips in the mix that report later? Everyone I have talked to only mentions early reports.
The bid packets are available in PBS as well as in content locker on iPad. You can view every trip and get an idea what the report times are... But in the short time I was there it seemed like just about every trip that was in open time reported before 9 am...
Quote: The bid packets are available in PBS as well as in content locker on iPad. You can view every trip and get an idea what the report times are... But in the short time I was there it seemed like just about every trip that was in open time reported before 9 am...
Thanks MiLa. I can't look them up yet, though. I was just trying to get an idea. I have been used to commuting with a different airline but have been able to go day-of both ways. I was just curious if that's going to be possible again for me at some point at UAL. It will be possible if there are a trips in the bid packet reporting after 1200-1300.
What are the min and average line values for the 737 DCA and 320 DCA ?

How much is a typical 4 day worth?

How much is a typical 3 day?

24seven, did you get DCA and if so when do you expect to be there? Do you expect to hold a line or will it be awhile?
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