A consistent group of malevolent malcontents

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It's hard to blame the company for any of this. They want to get by as cheaply as possible, which is just good business. The company thought they were doing the right thing because the NC, at the direction of the MEC, told the company this TA was acceptable. This TA WAS acceptable to the MEC, just look at the vote. I don't think the MEC expected the kind of pushback and hostile reaction to this TA. I mean, everyone gets a free TUMI suitcase, how great is that?

Personally, I think the entire MEC, NC, and all of the committees that support negotiations should resign. I don't think that will ever happen, but I think it would be the right thing to do.
Quote: Did you not hope it met your expectations before you saw it?
I call BS. Insler didn’t know.all of the significant details of the TA? Yeah right, his lap dog ex executive administrator Hamilton or any of the members of the MEC or NC didn’t tell the very recently Ex MEC chair any details, BS! You have shown your true colors on all your countless posts the last few days on this and every other airline sub forum. You’re one of Insler’s henchmen. Your boy Insler (the thug) will be thoroughly be embarrassed next week.
Quote: Did you not hope it met your expectations before you saw it?
No I had high hopes and was left in utter shock how bad it was after the release. Here’s one of the many useless updates under TI, proof that some of garbage TA was completed under TI. MH should also be ashamed. Both tried to push industry leading concessions on this pilot group.

Spoilers Deploy, I would like to know. What year were you hired at United?
Quote: A consistent group of malevolent malcontents
I'd buy that t-shirt.
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