Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve?

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Quote: Double Dip? Could you work for both the airlines and guard the whole time? for 20 years ? how is that possible? what about legacy ? how can you work at the guard and then get hired at a legacy?
He was being sarcastic. Athough you CAN be a guard or Res baby and go directly to a legacy. Happens all the time
Quote: Double Dip? Could you work for both the airlines and guard the whole time? for 20 years ? how is that possible? what about legacy ? how can you work at the guard and then get hired at a legacy?

Another thing...working two jobs is not "double dipping", it's working.

Double-dipping in military context means a reservist whose civilian employer continues to pay his regular salary while on military duty, either for a limited amount of time (typically 30 fays/year) or indefinitely. Most civil servants enjoy this benefit, but not surprisingly very few private sector employees.
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