Airline to law enforcement

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Hey everyone. I'm new to the boards. Quick run down on me.... I flew 135 then on to the regionals and now I am in my 5th year as a full time Police Officer. My goal 5 years ago was simple, have a steady career as a police officer and return in 20 years at age 45. Collect a tax free pension with incredible medical benefits and return flying knowing that I had a stable financial background to support the up's and down's. I am happy with my job, but at the end of the day it is just that.... a job. I'm compensated well with overtime and have a strong union contract that supports me and my profession. However, looking back at my decision to leave aviation only to return later feels a little less realistic everyday. My currency of flying dwindles more and more every year. I keep my CFI certificate's unexpired but really do not have as much free time as I thought I would to fly. Sometimes I wish I did because it would be a nice escape from the busy city that I work in. If someone were to offer me a job right now back flying it would be hard to turn down. But since that won't happen my plan is to stay the course, finish out the next 15 years happy and safe, and hopefully get back into the saddle someday. If anyone has any law enforcement specific questions about the transition from flying to policing I'm more than happy to help.
Well my plan was to apply for the sheriffs office this month, but the days they are holding the written and physical tests are both days that I'm scheduled to work. We are already short staffed because one of our pilots just left to go fly a whale. I asked them if there were alternate dates and they said no. I can't / won't screw my current employer over to chase this. I'm actually a little dissapointed that the H.R. department wasn't more accommodating to be honest. Not everyone works Monday to Friday 9-5. I'll see what happens next year I guess, but I'm not getting any younger!
Quote: Hey everyone. I'm new to the boards. Quick run down on me.... I flew 135 then on to the regionals and now I am in my 5th year as a full time Police Officer. My goal 5 years ago was simple, have a steady career as a police officer and return in 20 years at age 45. Collect a tax free pension with incredible medical benefits and return flying knowing that I had a stable financial background to support the up's and down's. I am happy with my job, but at the end of the day it is just that.... a job. I'm compensated well with overtime and have a strong union contract that supports me and my profession. However, looking back at my decision to leave aviation only to return later feels a little less realistic everyday. My currency of flying dwindles more and more every year. I keep my CFI certificate's unexpired but really do not have as much free time as I thought I would to fly. Sometimes I wish I did because it would be a nice escape from the busy city that I work in. If someone were to offer me a job right now back flying it would be hard to turn down. But since that won't happen my plan is to stay the course, finish out the next 15 years happy and safe, and hopefully get back into the saddle someday. If anyone has any law enforcement specific questions about the transition from flying to policing I'm more than happy to help.
hey man i did the same thing as you, finished the academy in 2009. i'd try to fly part time if your agency would allow it. i fly as a volunteer for our law enforcement aircraft, teach, and fly charter all part time. we're on 12 hours shifts so i have more days off, but keep flying. someone bright once told me,

"dont fly to to fly"

good luck man
Quote: I'm actually a little dissapointed that the H.R. department wasn't more accommodating to be honest. Not everyone works Monday to Friday 9-5.
Sorry to tell you there are hundreds, even thousands that apply for a few spots to get a single spot as LEO. Unlike the airlines they aren't going to accommodate you since there are plenty of bodies lined up behind you. Sucks but that's the way it works. Some of the larger agencies have more testing days you may want to look into that since it would allow you to work testing into your schedule.
I left the regionals 13 years ago and became a cop to give my kids an opportunity to know their dad. They are older now and I'm filling out my Airline Apps to return to flying. I never disliked the airlines and every year I tried to talk myself into returning to the line.

People will tell you that you can fly for fun, but when I did, I just kept remembering why I became an airline pilot in the first place...the thrill of flying! Trust me, you won't fly enough to satisfy your addiction!

I will be giving up a steady, guaranteed retirement, but I can't live everyday longing to fly again and waiting for a pension check that is 12 years away.

Also, trust me when I say that the, "I want to help people and serve my community" attitude fades fairly quickly as you gain knowledge of the utter stupidity and selfishness of the people you are supposed to serve and protect. It WILL become just a "job".
Quote: I left the regionals 13 years ago and became a cop to give my kids an opportunity to know their dad. They are older now and I'm filling out my Airline Apps to return to flying. I never disliked the airlines and every year I tried to talk myself into returning to the line.

People will tell you that you can fly for fun, but when I did, I just kept remembering why I became an airline pilot in the first place...the thrill of flying! Trust me, you won't fly enough to satisfy your addiction!

I will be giving up a steady, guaranteed retirement, but I can't live everyday longing to fly again and waiting for a pension check that is 12 years away.

Also, trust me when I say that the, "I want to help people and serve my community" attitude fades fairly quickly as you gain knowledge of the utter stupidity and selfishness of the people you are supposed to serve and protect. It WILL become just a "job".
As a person who never flew for an airline, I'm genuinely curious to how it has "thrill of flying" over recreational flights. I understand purpose of airline and rec flying are different. Just trying to understand what makes airline flying that much better.

Thank you
Quote: I left the regionals 13 years ago and became a cop to give my kids an opportunity to know their dad. They are older now and I'm filling out my Airline Apps to return to flying. I never disliked the airlines and every year I tried to talk myself into returning to the line.

People will tell you that you can fly for fun, but when I did, I just kept remembering why I became an airline pilot in the first place...the thrill of flying! Trust me, you won't fly enough to satisfy your addiction!

I will be giving up a steady, guaranteed retirement, but I can't live everyday longing to fly again and waiting for a pension check that is 12 years away.

Also, trust me when I say that the, "I want to help people and serve my community" attitude fades fairly quickly as you gain knowledge of the utter stupidity and selfishness of the people you are supposed to serve and protect. It WILL become just a "job".
So you are NOT flying in your law enforcement role?

If never flown the airlines so I can't speak for my own view on airline flying. I can only relate to the flying that I have done that I imagine would be like airline flying and my numerous fellow pilots who are either currently flying or have flown with the airlines - and not a one of them talks about the thrill of airline flying. Once they are senior enough and have the QOL they want, with the time off and the better pay - that is what they like about airline flying, but particular FedEx former squadronmate spent more time trying to figure out how to maximize his pay WITHOUT doing any flying at all. This was during a time when I was volunteering for the -3 in the night division formation training flights so it was very hard for me to imagine trying NOT TO fly.

Many others on this board relate the flying experience to a *job* - especially with the scheduled service obviously being told where, how, when, where, etc.... to fly and many relate that they like to fly for fun when they get to make those decisions (imagine the 777 CA who finds more *enjoyment* out of flying his Piper Cub).

Part of my enjoyment - and it is really all I've ever know since getting my civilian licenses/rating - is having some other mission between takeoff and landing.

I count myself as extremely lucky though that I've always had jobs, and I don't count my military time as a flying job, it just happen to be my weapons system, that truly is still a passion of mine and I have never experienced burnout. Those experiences have never been just a *job* to me, they are part of who I am and want to be. those who know me best say I am noticeably happier when I am flying. I'm fortunate to be able to do that thing for a *job* that brings me that much satisfaction.
Interesting. The flying I've done recently involved skis and landing on frozen lakes and in clearings. Was some of the funnest stuff I've done in an airplane, but I've done other fun stuff like aerobatics and XCs through mountains.

Has FP done any of this stuff, or is flying DPs and STARs where the "fun is at" for them? If one hasn't gone up with a good instructor and done some of the "funner" stuff, I highly recommend doing so.
Guys, I agree...flying when and where you want in what you want is an absolute thrill. However, as a police officer, it is hard to afford owning an airplane or renting one consistently enough to fly on a regular basis.

Unfortunately, my department uses civilian pilots. I started training as a part-time observer but found myself wanting to fly the aircraft more than work the camera. Therefore, I wasn't a good fit and went back to my detective gig.

Airline flying becomes just a job but it's a "flying" job. Maybe one day I can afford the Cub or the Stearman to fly for fun.
Quote: People will tell you that you can fly for fun, but when I did, I just kept remembering why I became an airline pilot in the first place...the thrill of flying! Trust me, you won't fly enough to satisfy your addiction!
I don't miss the crabby gate agents and sitting airport ready reserve from my days as an FO at a regional. My memories of the BS far outweigh my joys of sitting in the cockpit. Then again I do fly for fun almost monthly and I find it quite satisfying. I have also flown aerobatics so I've found ways to keep my excitement and interesting in GA flying going.

There is always sim flying inbetween regular flying if you can't afford to get in the saddle on a regular basis. Just a thought.
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