Social Media and getting hired at a major

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Quote: In the not-so-distant future the baby-boomer generation will begin to wholesale rob the younger generations to pay for their retirement.
Boomers no longer constitute the majority of voters.
Quote: sam kinison was a dirty racist. he's the very definition of a basement dwelling loser you'd find on 4chan. crying about homosexuals and african people isn't funny.

and since when is millennial an insult?
Is this what you would call a troll?
Well, this thread went full APC....
Quote: Well, this thread went full APC....
I rightfully called you out on saying offensive things in private and then getting scared when a potential employer may find out and I got called troll, and millenial. (still don't understand out it's an insult, jcountry)

More on topic, I hope this is a lesson to you. You can hide and delete all you want, but if you post something on the internet, chances are it can still be dug up somewhere.

Maybe keep that in mind the next time you decide to share your racist and homophobic memes. Have a good day!
Quote: Is this what you would call a troll?
Very much so
Quote: I totally agree about the trades. A guy with an HVAC cert would way out earn his peers quickly....
I'm 31 and IMO those in my high school graduating class who skipped college and went with a trade are on average way further ahead than those of us who went to college, had to take out student loans, and had no chance at a modest income throughout our 20s. I know several guys in that boat who were able to take advantage of the housing downturn and buy cheap homes so that they could come out way ahead in equity and not have any amount of crushing college debt. That is huge for those wanting to settle down and start a family before they get on the other side of 35.
Quote: it was a hypothetical question used to see what some pilots actually thought about the way that airlines hire people.

calling others trolls just because they have a different opinion though? classy.
The question “troll much?” is a question regarding an action, not name-calling.

What’s my opinion? That’s right. You don’t know.
Quote: Well, this thread went full APC....
They need to lay off the Tide pods.
Quote: They need to lay off the Tide pods.
I still can't believe that actually became a thing among millennials
Quote: It's for research only, they can't take action against you with that information. Even the NSA was allowing private companies to query private individuals in their database. Until the current administration put a stop to it, the airline could have pulled years worth of cell phone transcripts, telemetry data, emails, messages, etc. Totally unconstitutional, but it happened.
There is at least one case in front of Supreme court now regarding what Government can do.

Unfortunately it has already been established that Private companies can access pretty much anything you do with your electronic devices and credit cards and personal travel. I will admit that I don't know what level of "intent of use" they must have to acquire this data.
While I consider it outrageous, the only protection we have against a corporations intrusion is the US postal service. Electronic media, including emails, don't have this level of assumed privacy.
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