Prediction on SLI release

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Ran into some union guys in Mem and they said the arbitrators were going back to the merger committies asking more questions as of 3 hours ago. Does not look good for coming out today based on that.
Quote: Ran into some union guys in Mem and they said the arbitrators were going back to the merger committies asking more questions as of 3 hours ago. Does not look good for coming out today based on that.
Fart then!!!!!!!
Quote: Ran into some union guys in Mem and they said the arbitrators were going back to the merger committies asking more questions as of 3 hours ago. Does not look good for coming out today based on that.

We had better be getting an update at some point. This is crazy, I thought the list was done last week and they were working on the written portion that explained the award.
Double farts!
No kidding... I've never been so excited to hear of bad news in my entire life.
You would have thought that to be true especially when they were the guys(arbitratiors) that said they could have it out today. Should have been done.
OK guez. Iem weyw tooo furekted up to ferguer thez out. Sueoo, yerz ALPA repz may neddz a talken too. Izz gotzza eatzz now.
Quote: OK guez. Iem weyw tooo furekted up to ferguer thez out. Sueoo, yerz ALPA repz may neddz a talken too. Izz gotzza eatzz now.
From the looks of this post, you got "cold-cocked" by Billie Dee Williams and some Colt 45.
Quote: From the looks of this post, you got "cold-cocked" by Billie Dee Williams and some Colt 45.
Naaah. He had to switch from the beer because he was getting too full before he got drunk.

There is nothing worse than having a drinking plan and having someone screw it up by being late.
So is it a lump of coal for all of us?
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