FO questions

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Quote: I could tell from how easily I recognized/answered the questions and then their comment afterwards even though you are right they didn’t specifically state my score. Looks like you scored a point on the internets today
Nothing wrong with being confident and knowing your stuff.

So I have had Dauntless ATP for a while now, will it hurt me studying those questions? I believe they are taken from the same test bank. I would hate to spend $85 when I have access to the same questions. Looking at the Sheppard's (trial), I can clearly see those are the same questions in my Dauntless software.
If you can ace the Dauntless test you are over prepared. The Sheppard product only uses the subset of questions that appear in the respective airline's interview. It's a more efficient way to study but not necessary if you are already proficient with the ATP bank.
Quote: So I’m going to get an occurrence for being sick? Doesn’t that deter pilots from calling in sick? ( I realize if people are trying to con the system but if I’m not FFD that is BS)

What can I do then to not get an occurrence and not have to go spend $100-$200 on a doctors visit? Family emergency?

Very common in the Airlines, and not just regionals. Delta is very strict about attendance issues. If you’re sick and not abusing the system it will not be a issue. If you have a chronic condition look into IFMLA. Republic will release your attendance if your next employer has you sign a release, and many require you to sign a release. Doesn’t republic give like 8 occurrences in a year? Plus as others have stated you will not get a occurrence with a note.

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