Crop dusting and banner tow

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Quote: (i) Additional training required for operating tailwheel airplanes. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (i)(2) of this section, no person may act as pilot in command of a tailwheel airplane unless that person has received and logged flight training from an authorized instructor in a tailwheel airplane and received an endorsement in the person's logbook from an authorized instructor ....

(2) The training and endorsement required by paragraph (i)(1) of this section is not required if the person logged pilot-in-command time in a tailwheel airplane before April 15, 1991.
Thanks, the 1991 explains it. I guess my D-18 and C-46 will cover it. Means I am getting old.
More on Van Wagner?
[quote=towhook;175484]Van Wagner is a great company. I flew for them all last summer. New hires get topped out at $40/hr now.

I was towing well over 100 hrs a month, flew a ton of xc, saw lots of the country, and still have opportunities to fly for them when I have the time off. Sometimes I wonder if I should just tow banners for the rest of my life... then I remember what it was like to **** in a bottle all day while sitting in a windy box 3 ft away from the open pipes for 12 hrs a day.

What kind of minimums are they looking for?
I called the place in myrtl beach that advertises in trade-a-plane. The owner wanted me to pay $3500 for banner tow training with no gurantee for employment
Yeah i talked to that company last year. RIDICULOUS! but if you can afford it and get hired i guess it could pay off in the result of a ton of time.

Quote: I called the place in myrtl beach that advertises in trade-a-plane. The owner wanted me to pay $3500 for banner tow training with no gurantee for employment
Quote: I called the place in myrtl beach that advertises in trade-a-plane. The owner wanted me to pay $3500 for banner tow training with no gurantee for employment

I think that the owner from Myrtle Beach needs some serious head check up.
Is Van Wagner in DC hiring this year? I would like to sign up so I can get rid of my debt.
Quote: Is Van Wagner in DC hiring this year? I would like to sign up so I can get rid of my debt.
Are you talking about pilot hiring or working on billboards. Van Wagner does a lot more than banners. They own a pretty good portion of the ads on Times Square. There is no DC pilot base. All pilot new hires go to Hollywood, FL for training then wherever they need you. Summer is the busy season with most flying in NY/NJ, Miami/FLL area, SoCal, Nascar, and a few other smaller markets. They require a tailwheel and about 15hrs TW as a minimum but if you have previous banner time that might help you out. I worked for the guy in Myrtle in 07 (before he started charging 3500!) and I loved it. I would never pay that much for that job, unless he doubled pilot wages.
Quote: $175,000 crop dusting? don't think so....
I realize this reply is to a very old post but, it's been done, and in less than a year!
Yeah, if the pilot flew for about 1500 hours a year and he has good connections with the farmers.
Quote: Yeah, if the pilot flew for about 1500 hours a year and he has good connections with the farmers.
Not necessarily, but a booming economy and no drought helps.
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