UAL to cut capacity by 50% for April

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Quote: bottom line. We will be voting on a concessions package. Maybe by the end of the week. So ask yourself: do you volunteer your hard earned cash because United blew 9B on stock buybacks? Or do you tell them to pound sand and seek bankruptcy protection? That is the choice that is coming. Mark this post. It will happen.
Go for BK protection.
How long is everyone going to take b.s. from mismanagement and executives risking your livelihood by participating in stock buyback?
The airline today announced a 60 percent schedule reduction in April - this includes a 42 percent reduction across the U.S. and Canada and an 85 percent decrease in international flights.
Quote: The airline today announced a 60 percent schedule reduction in April - this includes a 42 percent reduction across the U.S. and Canada and an 85 percent decrease in international flights.
Kind of makes you wonder if it’ll be 70% in May.
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