5 year Market Outlook opinions

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Quote: There is a very logical argument for just this. Very smart people in those industries are warning people now that this is coming. While I don’t agree with much of his politics, Andrew Yang got 1 thing right. We’re too busy dithering with the here and now when we should be looking at what’s coming that will change our society forever: Automation and A.I. making human workers obsolete.

As for green energy and EV’s, I think they’re good ideas. I just think there needs to be some reality injected into the conversation. We aren’t going to see any meaningful shift away from fossil fuels for the next 20-30 years. Many of us will likely be gone by then. Personally I think solar power is the future, I just think the way we currently harvest it and store it will have to be transformed. Maybe space-based solar arrays and a way to beam the energy back to earth to be stored in large batteries? Hell I don't know. It all sounds like science fiction, but as another poster above pointed out, so was air travel and nuclear power at one point.
The day nearly all airline fleets are certified to take off and land at Max Xwind limitation and 600 rvr I will start thinking about being worried about AI. If I'm being optimistic I'd say we're 25 years away. 100 years from now might be a different story but nobody here will have to worry about that. In 1921 I don't think anyone was worried about Electric Cars taking over
CGP Grey did a great YouTube “Humans need not apply” on the AI/Automation coming that would put us all out of work. Very interesting, and alarming. This was 8 years ago, and I bought it hook,line, and sinker.

Which was foolish. You live long enough and you should be able to see through the doom nonsense…both utopian and dystopian. (“Peak Oil”/“Hubert’s Peak”, anyone?) AI is part of the trans humanist utopian insanity for billionaires who want to live forever; it’s not going to happen, but there’s plenty to be made peddling the elixir to them.

Fully autonomous isn’t happening anytime soon, nor is solar. Solar is just another scheme offshoring pollution to the third world (batteries, recycling panels, rare earth mining, disposal, etc).

Bet on oil and coal for the long term. $$$. Western countries will mega fund unicorn fart schemes until their economies crash and the money runs out. The REAL population centers like India, China, Indonesia, etc aren’t buying it. Trip7 (for less polemic reasons) is spot on for this.
Quote: The day nearly all airline fleets are certified to take off and land at Max Xwind limitation and 600 rvr I will start thinking about being worried about AI. If I'm being optimistic I'd say we're 25 years away. 100 years from now might be a different story but nobody here will have to worry about that.
The near-term fight will be legislative. And in 10 years the fight will be implementation. It’s one of the reasons I think ALPA should be prioritizing mental health treatment/reform with the FAA. I think the manufacturers are simply waiting for a high profile event in the U.S. like we saw with German Wings or that recent 737 in China to go full court press for automating pilots out of the equation.
As for green energy and EV’s, I think they’re good ideas. I just think there needs to be some reality injected into the conversation. We aren’t going to see any meaningful shift away from fossil fuels for the next 20-30 years. Many of us will likely be gone by then. Personally I think solar power is the future, I tjust think the way we currently harvest it and store it will have to be transformed. Maybe space-based solar arrays and a way to beam the energy back to earth to be stored in large batteries? Hell I don't know. It all sounds like science fiction, but as another poster above pointed out, so was air travel and nuclear power at one point.

Im intrigued by the concept of gravity batteries. What an elegant solution:


(Way too expensive right now)

Quote: Im intrigued by the concept of gravity batteries. What an elegant solution:
It really isn't when you calculate the amount of energy that thing as a whole produces. Each of those individual concrete blocks only produces 10Mw at peak acceleration, so over the course of the drop, you are getting about ~1 Mw/sec total per block. Over the course of the night, when that thing is running, you would need a thousand blocks dropping at the same time, all the time, to produce the same power output of a single nuclear reactor. If the fall of the block is say 10 seconds, that gravity storage needs around ~4 million blocks to be equivalent. Then consider the amount of solar panels required to lift those blocks while the sun is shining.
Yeah that whole gravity battery thing is totally bogus. Sounds cool but is actually just garbage.
Trip seems to know oil well. I applaud that, very few who invest in the business actually know the business. I steer clear of downstream. I’ve been an owner of midstream (Enterprise Products Partners, EPD) for the last decade plus. Upstream is a literal roller coaster of massive gains and massive losses. I swore off of upstream investments after I lost my shirt in 2014 due to the oil plunge…until recently. Oil is a fickle commodity to invest in, been dealing with it for over a decade, but fortunes can be made (and lost) if you’re in the right place at the right time with the right company. Do your due diligence and enjoy the moolah!
Ok, counter argument. MRO is upstream and they are down 28% from their highs. CVX -19%, XOM -18%, VDE -21%...

Perhaps the end of the Russian conflict is closer than it seems?

Seriously curious, would love to buy back my 2022 go to's, but need a good solid feel on that.
Quote: We really need to go all in on nuclear.
Agreed. But it will blow up and everybody will die a horrible death. Well that's what Karen thinks anyway.
Quote: Ok, counter argument. MRO is upstream and they are down 28% from their highs. CVX -19%, XOM -18%, VDE -21%...

Perhaps the end of the Russian conflict is closer than it seems?

Seriously curious, would love to buy back my 2022 go to's, but need a good solid feel on that.
If you’re going to stick to upstream I’d stay pure local (Devon, Pioneer, Diamondback).
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