Domestic air travel

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Quote: can’t close grocery stores. You expect everyone to starve?
Waffle House is still open.
Quote: can’t close grocery stores. You expect everyone to starve?
But now everyone will be at the grocery store and get Corona virus there
Hotels in some major markets are beginning to close. Only a matter of time until cases force more closures. Might as well sleep on the jet, the pax already think we do.
Quote: Hotels in some major markets are beginning to close. Only a matter of time until cases force more closures. Might as well sleep on the jet, the pax already think we do.
In California, they plan to house Coronavirus patients in hotels when they run out of hospital beds.
Quote: In California, they plan to house Coronavirus patients in hotels when they run out of hospital beds.
Be sure to alert Crew Accommodations! 10% off the buffet!
Quote: Waffle House is still open.
no virus could survive there.
Quote: Thanks going out to boomers for being terrible parents who raised us awful kids. Blame yourselves for ****ing us up.
Don’t worry, when you get furloughed your parents will probably let you live in the basement again, and you’ll probably complain they didn’t fold your laundry to your liking. Hopefully like many f......d up boomers who are tired of your entitled mentality they have changed their estate planning and are either spending it or leaving to a more worthwhile charity.
Quote: I'm a huge fan of politically incorrect humor, but that, especially coming from progressively overschooled and undereducated generations of spoiled hyper dependant "children" well into their adult years, is beyond sick and disrespectful.
so you love non-PC humor but only when it targets someone other than yourself? Lol!
Did anyone else’s March schedule just change?
Quote: Did anyone else’s March schedule just change?

Which category? Mines still the same.

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