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Quote: Haha! You got me, SC public school.... 😂
It is just tragic what is happening in our nation as the people who run (voters) the thing have no idea the basic framework of how this government operates. IMO a series of classes, Civics, Criminal Law, and basic Business Law should be required as a senior in High School. It would be a lot more useful than learning Spanish or Trig.
Quote: It is just tragic what is happening in our nation as the people who run (voters) the thing have no idea the basic framework of how this government operates. IMO a series of classes, Civics, Criminal Law, and basic Business Law should be required as a senior in High School. It would be a lot more useful than learning Spanish or Trig.
Not if you're going to be a carpenter.
Quote: It is just tragic what is happening in our nation as the people who run (voters) the thing have no idea the basic framework of how this government operates. IMO a series of classes, Civics, Criminal Law, and basic Business Law should be required as a senior in High School. It would be a lot more useful than learning Spanish or Trig.
Tossing trig, I agree. Tossing Spanish? ¡No!

*edited for clarity
Quote: I stopped wearing a mask around August last year.

Yes I have to wear it for work cause DAL tells me too.

An EO is not a law. Big difference.
What a Patriot.
Quote: Trig, yes. Spanish, no.
Algebra is 99% really need.

Love to see some basic mandatory must pass classes on how to manage money and more importantly, debt.

The financialization of everything (cars, shoes) a terrible idea.
Quote: It helps when they've been living rent free in mommy and daddy's house until their late 30s so squirreled away their tip money rather than having to pay standard living expenses.

So don't give that BS milk-lenials are "savvy investors". Maybe a small % are like any generation. I do agree they are a different generation for sure.
Well the couple I was referring to in my post are 29 and 27 years old. So there goes your living in Moms basement til their late 30s. I also said financially savvy. Not investors. They also lived in at the same address for the last 3 years on their mortgage app.... and paid for it. His annual gross is about $67,000 hers is $46,000.

Well, that’s about all I had to type to debunk your entire assumption/theory.
Quote: Well the couple I was referring to in my post are 29 and 27 years old. So there goes your living in Moms basement til their late 30s. I also said financially savvy. Not investors. They also lived in at the same address for the last 3 years on their mortgage app.... and paid for it. His annual gross is about $67,000 hers is $46,000.

Well, that’s about all I had to type to debunk your entire assumption/theory.
Yippee you got one data point
Quote: What a Patriot.
Why yes. I am.

​​​​​​That makes you......
Quote: Yippee you got one data point
Makes his data points out number your data points.
Quote: Yippee you got one data point
Here's another one... Millennial, no debt (scholarship and student loans for flying paid off), haven't lived at home since 17. Waited to buy a house until I could put 20% down without compromising my emergency fund or retirement. Occasional avocado toast buyer. Your hate for an entire generation is comical.
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