Compass Update

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There is no way you can finish this take home course in 30 hrs!!! Maybe 200hrs!! I guess it could just be my limited learning ability. Anyone else working on this thing right now? How long did it take you?
I did it a few months ago...took me about 30-40 hours total.

It isn't that hard.
Like I said, maybe I am just slow or something. But other guys in my class are saying the same thing. It could just be the first few sections that suck, and when we get past those it will get easier. What is the first week at MSP like?
Quote: Like I said, maybe I am just slow or something. But other guys in my class are saying the same thing. It could just be the first few sections that suck, and when we get past those it will get easier. What is the first week at MSP like?
The first week in MSP after the 30 day home study is nothing more than just 4 days of indoc. You've already done the studying and testing. You go to the fire station and put out a fire, you jump down the slide and fill out some more paperwork. Nothing at all is hard in the first week.
seniority #'s
I know everyone is really worried about how many ppl are in front of them so i thought I would drop a line about it.
We just received our quarterly list which put the last guy at 179 starting training in Late January...It also listed the junior CA as 71 but the same email also contained a vacancy for 8 more CA's so that number will likley be 79 for the junior CA at the end of January. These numbers are the global list and include several mngmt types as well.
I have heard from a good friend that they are still moving some ppl up to earlier classes as well so I have to assume that some ppl are choosing other jobs.

On the domicile rumors....well I CONTINUE to hear that early April is very likely on the new bases. I guess we should hide and watch.
I just started Friday. We had 7 in the class and we are now up to number 186.
Quote: It also listed the junior CA as 71 but the same email also contained a vacancy for 8 more CA's so that number will likley be 79 for the junior CA at the end of January.
Actually 6 CA awards came out in Jan but have not started IOE so its at 77 now plus those 8 so it should be at 85 by next week
Looks like I'll probably be 200+ then

Any idea how long IOE and RSV is lasting? I'm kinda worried I'll have to sit on my a.s.s. a lot while on RSV - my average time flown on a reserve line around here (actual flight hours) is ~75, with 96 being the highest. So sitting around all month waiting for a call will be a BIG change. At least it shouldn't last too long...
Any word on a Memphis Base? Do you guys think MEM would go senior? Also... how do the compass guys like the EFB's? Are they JEPPS and manuals or JEPPS only with paper manuals?

Also... what's the crew per airplane ratio so with 36 E-170's how many CA do you guys forsee


No word on MEM base yet. DTW is expected to open April-May timeframe and will likely go senior for CA, prolly junior for FOs.

EFBs are installed only in the two newest airplanes but don't have any software yet. They're saying ~6 mos to EFB functionality, which we all know means more like a year.

Planning on 5 CAs per airplane so around 180 CAs...once you take out management pilots that puts the most junior CA around #200 when we get all the planes. Of course we could potentially get another 18 airframes but I wouldn't count on it at all, Mesaba has an equally good chance of getting them. Everyone beyond #200 will be dependent on attrition for upgrade.
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