Air Wisconsin QOL?

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Quote: beggers can't be choosers...if you think so, then don't apply
yeah for sure, just getting in is 1/2 the problem...where have i heard that before???
Anyone know of any recruitment events/trade shows for AWAC? Even though I applied online I doubt it will get any notice due to the sheer volume of applications submitted. I did stop by ATW HR when I was in the area but the secretary told me the website was the only way to apply(she did take my resume though, nice of her).
The secretary has some weight within AW on who they hire. If you where kind to her and made a good first impression, I'm sure your resume made it to the right person.
Quote: Yeah but doesnt hiring for attrition mean a lot of sitting around for the new hires? Correct me if I'm wrong, I have no 121/135 experience.
Nobody is sitting around at the moment. Everyone is flying pretty much up to the max. I credited 106 hours on my last pay sheet.

Besides, sitting around or flying 100/month or whatever happens is the lot in life of the newhire pilot.
Quote: Nobody is sitting around at the moment. Everyone is flying pretty much up to the max. I credited 106 hours on my last pay sheet.

Besides, sitting around or flying 100/month or whatever happens is the lot in life of the newhire pilot.

wow...yeah thats what the said in the interview. have an idea on how many people are leaving AWAC? (just to get an idea of what hiring would look like)
Quote: wow...yeah thats what the said in the interview. have an idea on how many people are leaving AWAC? (just to get an idea of what hiring would look like)
As of 10/12/10 (48) people have resigned at AWAC. That is starting in January and going until the above date. This includes CA's and FO's. I would expect that number to double if not triple in 2011. That is my guess. Word on the street is 16-18 newhires a month for the next 6 months.
Quote: wow...yeah thats what the said in the interview.
When did you apply/interview?
Congrats to the people who got in the pool! I had an interview date set I think about a month and half ago. I called and said I wouldn't be coming due to another offer which of course didn't come like I was told it would.
So I guess my question is, if they are still hiring do you think that it would look negative if I tried to interview again?
And what would be the best way to go about HR again?

Quote: When did you apply/interview?
applied early september, interviewed Oct. 1st, put in the pool on oct. 5th, offered a class date on Oct. 22nd for a Nov. 21st class date...
Quote: applied early september, interviewed Oct. 1st, put in the pool on oct. 5th, offered a class date on Oct. 22nd for a Nov. 21st class date...
Take the earliest class date they offer you. And if they offer you the opportunity to move up a class date, do so.

As for attrition, it's still pretty low. But most folks expect it to pick up as the majors increase their hiring, which is virtually inevitable. They are also hiring right now to get folks online for the spring, which traditionally involves an upswing in the flying for US Airways and the company doesn't wish to get caught with their pants down being understaffed, as has happened in the past.

I would expect some upgrades this winter and into the spring. We're pretty short captains and F/Os. So expect things to move, albeit slowly. Still it's better than it was for the past three years, when there was really almost no movement of any sort and for a while there was backwards movement, with the furloughs.

Cautiously optimistic....
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