Positive Airline Pilot Posts Only Please

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Quote: The difference is that when someone gets laid off from IBM they most likely will find another job of equil pay fairly quickly and could even get more pay. A pilot is valueless outside of the seniority system.

That's not what happened to my father in law when he lost his job at IBM. To make matters worse, they re-hired him from a temp agency doing essentially the same job for LESS money.
Quote: hah I dunno I have seen some realyl sexy mid 30's F/A over at CAL
I've seen like ONE hot female FA at CAL.... now, are you talkin about the males or females?
Quote: I've seen like ONE hot female FA at CAL.... now, are you talkin about the males or females?
no way man, I would sleep with like 60% of the FEMALE F/A's at CAL, why do you think I wanna go there so bad,
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