Kalitta Air B-747 goes off the runway!

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Quote: Looks like Spaceman sliff and mayday mark have gone into hiding
probably updating their resumes as they apparently work for bankrupt, or soon to be bankrupt, carriers. I am not sure about Spaceman, he flies KC135's which implies he is with the Air Force (which I do not think will go bankrupt) and Mark flies for FedEx I assume which may very well go bankrupt - they didn't even make $400 million last quarter - what losers!
Quote: Looks like Spaceman sliff and mayday mark have gone into hiding

Hiding? From what? You? Don't flatter yourself.

I think "ignore mode" might be more appropriate.
lets stop feeding the troll.
Quote: lets stop feeding the troll.
good call.
Why? He was fun, like Bagdad Bob.

"There are multiple countries that can match the might of the US Air Force and shoot down your ancient B-52's."
very nice, Stinson!
Quote: OK dumbass. An AKULA (shark) is a freakin attack sub that is so noisy that its a joke. Its fast, but we can hear it leaving Murmansk from Norfolk. I wonder how many AF pilots have dealt with one of those......You've obviously brought a knife to a gunfight.

Typically, I am just a lurker. I have to say that I am loving this exchange.
Quote: OK dumbass. An AKULA (shark) is a freakin attack sub that is so noisy that its a joke. Its fast, but we can hear it leaving Murmansk from Norfolk. I wonder how many AF pilots have dealt with one of those......You've obviously brought a knife to a gunfight.

since some of you cant contribute anything positive or have a sensible discussion you get into name calling,which I can get into aswell but I wont as I am not gonna stoop down to your level,rather I will try to pull you upto mine.May be Akula or military tech.from other countries is a joke for you but any sensible military personnel would take it pretty seriously unless you play war games on X-BOX or Nintendo
Quote: since some of you cant contribute anything positive or have a sensible discussion you get into name calling,which I can get into aswell but I wont as I am not gonna stoop down to your level,rather I will try to pull you upto mine.May be Akula or military tech.from other countries is a joke for you but any sensible military personnel would take it pretty seriously unless you play war games on X-BOX or Nintendo
I have spent 30 years in the military (probably longer than you've been alive). The last 15 were in Joint Ops. If you're going to spew names of weapon systems/capabilities, be prepared to discuss them. Otherwise...The BUFF remains an awesome weapon when employed in the proper package. (That means group of aircraft/systems) English is obviously a second language for you judging from your syntax, so take this as a lesson and go back and complete your private this year. Good luck with that.

Quote: since some of you cant contribute anything positive or have a sensible discussion you get into name calling,which I can get into aswell but I wont as I am not gonna stoop down to your level,rather I will try to pull you upto mine.May be Akula or military tech.from other countries is a joke for you but any sensible military personnel would take it pretty seriously unless you play war games on X-BOX or Nintendo
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