Skydiving in Seattle

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My 20th anniversary is coming up next month. I thought I would try to kill several birds with one stone. I've always been afraid of heights, but do enjoy flying (as long as I don't have to do the "U" in GUMPS check ). So I was up last night thinking about something I could do with my husband other than taking the Clipper to Victoria.

Has anyone done any skydiving? Any recommendations in the Seattle area? There is an outfit in Bremerton. Does anybody know it? I would only be interested in one jump, nothing more. Thanks for any insights.
I fly the 182 for a mom 'n pop outfit in South Carolina, which won't help you over there very much, but I assure you everyone who tries a tandem jump has great fun. They get a 30 minute lecture by our tandem master, then we take them up and drop them out while a team member snaps a few freefall shots. It's a little expensive for one hour of action but the "I did it here's a picture" aspect appeals. I have never seen anyone get sick. A few have to be pried away from the door. Most come back later for a static line jump and further training. Great idea!
fairly sure they do it in snohomish too.
Gulp. 30 minute lecture is all? Don't I get to practice jumping off a ladder or something?

You haven't seen anyone get sick. It's obvious you have never met me!
I go out to Snohomish Airport when I am in town and watch them jump tandem with "new" jumpers. Looks like a professional outfit and everone seems to have a great time.
I skydived at Snohomish and was very confident of their training program. You do get to jump off a few boxes into he sand. Training is breif but adiquate.

When the door opens and the jumpmaster motions to you to come into position that is when you know the real meaning of scared sh**less. Don't look down !!

I am not sure what the FAA regs are on tandem training, but if there is a reg for the passengers I would be surprised because it takes no skill whatsoever to ride along. The lecture is informational than anything else. It helps people visualize what they will be doing. I have heard the landings and jumps are usually better for tandems where the rider was given no lecture at all.
Quote: I am not sure what the FAA regs are on tandem training, but if there is a reg for the passengers I would be surprised because it takes no skill whatsoever to ride along. The lecture is informational than anything else. It helps people visualize what they will be doing. I have heard the landings and jumps are sometimes better for tandems were the rider was given no traning or lecture at all.
At my DZ, if you are capable of producing a good arch when leaving the plane, you can skydive. For Tandem skydives, there is basically no skill needed, the tandem master is attached to you and can deploy and land the parachute, and if you are both knocked out, there is an AAD computer to deploy for you. Its safe and fun! Go on youtube and look at some skydive videos people have posted, it will give you an idea of what a tandem skydive is like.
The one at the Bremerton Airport isn't the one that I would go to. I have heard that the one at the Olympia airport has a great safety record. Also, I have heard good things about Snohomish as well.
Thanks everyone! I'm going to check out the Snohomish outfit. My husband is now telling me that he'd rather not jump out of an airplane, tandem or otherwise. I think he's wimping out. Anybody here want to jump with me?
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