Breastfeeding and maternity leave

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Flight Attendants, Pilots Say Frontier Discriminated Against New Moms

December 10, 201911:35 AM ET
Heard on All Things Considered

Didn't they all file this lawsuit 3 years ago?
Quote: Didn't they all file this lawsuit 3 years ago?
I think, at that time, they had only filed a complaint with the EEOC. I don’t believe it had yet developed into a suit against the company.
It sounds like they were asking for accommodations to pump for breast milk on the airplane? I’m not sure how you do the cockpit? In the first class restroom (gross), section off part of first class? I can see requesting a small room at hub locations as a reasonable solution, but not on an airplane. Seems that if you were willing to pump in the lav, you could do that without anyone knowing at all.
Waaa, waaah. Waaaa. Either use infant formula or stay home with your kid. Jesus!
I don't care in the slightest if they do it in the cockpit.

Not sure how you accommodate FA's other than the lav?
I flew with a nursing mother once and she planned her pumping for the day on breaks between flights. I was happy to grab the walk and do all the preflight prep while she was in the terminal pumping.

I don’t see this as much different than a passenger in the same situation on the flight. The passenger traveling without her child would have to plan pumping accordingly based on the flight time.

Now if the pilot were a long haul pilot I could certainly see an issue.

Now my wife is a huge breast feeding advocate and thinks these women have a solid point with their lawsuit but doesn’t know if they have a legal leg to stand on. I support them 100%
Quote: Waaa, waaah. Waaaa. Either use infant formula or stay home with your kid. Jesus!
You can’t be serious. Formula is a good substitute but the benefits of breast milk cannot be denied. It’s night and day. 100% paid leave or a good pumping accommodation are the solutions. The lav is disgusting
Quote: You can’t be serious. Formula is a good substitute but the benefits of breast milk cannot be denied. It’s night and day. 100% paid leave or a good pumping accommodation are the solutions. The lav is disgusting
Dead serious. As you may or may not know, I'm a woman, a FA and a mother of three.
Sorry, you can't get everything you want in life. What's next, suing to take the babies on trips with them?
Quote: I don't care in the slightest if they do it in the cockpit.

Not sure how you accommodate FA's other than the lav?
I wouldn’t mind at all, only IF a flight attendant/third person were required to be present in the cockpit while it was taking place. Breast feeding is generally a very discrete process. Pumping, not always as much. In today’s society, there is no way I would want to be left alone, in a small room, with a woman I don’t know while she pumps. Even if I were comfortable with it, there’s no saying the mother would be as well. Heck, my wife wasn’t a fan of even having a nurse in the room when she learned to pump. For the record, she gave up on nursing/pumping very quickly for a number of reasons. Both my kids have turned out fine so far.
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