NY Taxes

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I got a letter yesterday from NY telling me I may owe taxes for years 2015-2016.
I was based in LGA then so that must be the trigger.

Anyone else get anything like this?
NY is losing taxpayers by the thousands so they are trying to dig up more money for their bloated budgets. Best of luck
Quote: I got a letter yesterday from NY telling me I may owe taxes for years 2015-2016.
I was based in LGA then so that must be the trigger.

Anyone else get anything like this?
You shouldn't. You only pay taxes in the state you live. I would give HR a shout. It might be as simple as sending the city a letter that you reside in a different state. I don't see that going their way if they want to make a thing out of it. The 10,000+ crew members that commute to NY would all be getting the same letter. Not for nothing but I was based there at the same time and didn't get a letter
You're exempt from this. You pay where you live.
Quote: I got a letter yesterday from NY telling me I may owe taxes for years 2015-2016.
I was based in LGA then so that must be the trigger.

Anyone else get anything like this?
By any chance did you get an apartment in your name (something with an address and connected utilities with your name on it) as a crashpad while you were there?
Quote: You're exempt from this. You pay where you live.
Thats not exactly correct. State income taxes are paid where the income is earned. Transportation workers have a exemption that states they can pay state taxes where they reside if it can’t be determined where you performed 51% of your work. If you sat reserve in a Crashpad and rarely flew you might well be liable for NY state taxes. The same would apply if 51% of your flying was within NY. If audited you’re also going to need to show evidence that you live full time where you claim. A sisters address in FL probably won’t cut it unless you can back that up with travel records ect..
Is it state income tax or Family Leave Tax?

We are not exempt from the latter.
It is for Income taxes...I was a line holder so no crash pad.
Thinking of a nice way to tell them to go pound sand.
“Some pilots recently received a tax demand letter from the state of New York for income tax allegedly owed for the 2015 and 2016 tax years, even though the pilots receiving these letters did not reside in New York.

The Company will provide appropriate documentation to any pilot who is required to respond this type of inquiry upon request from the pilot. This letter will only be sent to the pilot after proper verification of Endeavor’s records. The pilot will then need to send the letter back to the state of New York.

If you are an affected pilot or later receive a tax letter please email [email protected] for assistance.”
Quote: I paid NY state income tax when I was LGA based. I paid income tax where I lived PLUS income tax in NY, where I worked. Still ****ed about that
Why did you do that?
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