C5 chicanery

Blast email went out from a member via ALPA campaign email address laying out opposition to C5 recall efforts. Only problem is, that's not an allowable use of this email server.

ALPA national secretary had to walk back the "mistake," but no word if equal time will be presented to the other side of the argument.
Emails sent to DePete, Couette and Eno. Unfortunately, what is going on now is just a newer, higher level of Chicanery!

Everyone SHOULD send emails to those above them (in the union hierarchy).
Be ready for a long and dirty fight. But so be it.

For some reason, those in a leadership role have forgotten what it was like to be a line pilot.
Our Union is made up of hundreds of great volunteers. Guys and Gals who step up, help out their fellow pilots and the industry. Yet a few have determined to get that Golden Ticket and move way up the ladder! They do not want to be a Professional Airline Pilot... they want to be a CEO~ They have given up Integrity and trust in the hopes of that "good deal".

Numerous Reps and Committee Chairs/Members have screwed up and instead of doing the honorable thing and resigning.. they are actually fighting to stay in Power instead of realizing they served but didn't deliver.

Recall & Replace
Till then..
Fly Safe, Fly Professionally and Fly the Contract
The biggest fight of them all will be put up to save Insler’s most loyal voters in C5, which also is the council with the most votes out of the entire BOD. Gotta get Insler elected ALPA president; EWR pilots be damned.