UAL MEC Recall Update

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Sept 9th
C5 NYC reps recalled

Recall results (for/against)
CA rep GJ 1204-526 70%
FO rep CM 1336-393 77%
S/T PW 1133-598 65%

Over 1700 C5 members participated in the vote for a 72% voter participation rate.

THIS IS TODD INSLER’s COUNCIL. (When TI spoke at his own council’s meeting he was met with an overwhelming chorus of boo’s and jeers).

Three new interim reps (non-Toddlers) elected and election for reps to serve the remainder of the term upcoming shortly

Sept 30th
C57 LAX meeting held. Agenda items to distribute a recall ballot to send out the membership for CA & FO reps.

Resolution for recall ballot (for/against)
CA rep SC 145-109
FO rep BF 143-99

LAX Recall ballot is forthcoming.

Oct 3rd
C34 SFO meeting at location an hour's drive from SFO. Agenda includes recall of council officers.

Oct 7th
C33 DEN meeting forcibly scheduled by National after 30%+ of the pilots sent petition letters. Agenda includes recall council officers.

C171 IAH
Council members have requested that their reps schedule a meeting with recalls on the ballot. Reps have refused. Members have collected 75%+ of the signatures required for Nat’l to force a recall meeting.
This is the ONLY place this should be posted. All the other many places just makes a lot of people think LESS of you.
Council 11?
Why isn’t Council 11 on your list? AW needs to go! #Unethical #powermoves #onlyoutfornumber1 #novoter #furloughall #mememe #allaboutme #scandaltothetop………..etc
Quote: Council 11?
Why isn’t Council 11 on your list? AW needs to go! #Unethical #powermoves #onlyoutfornumber1 #novoter #furloughall #mememe #allaboutme #scandaltothetop………..etc
Good luck with that one.
Next up to the plate C33
So now we have C11 and C12 voted no (well C11 CA rep voted yes then publicly recanted his yes and voted against extending the vote, voted to recall the NC and vowed to vote against TI for president so he’s considered a No voter now) who are safe

EWR - Recalled and new interim reps voted in
LAX - Recall resolutions passed waiting on National to send a ballot
SFO - Recall resolutions passed waiting on National to send a ballot
DEN - On deck and steps up to the plate on Friday with their recall resolution

IAH - still getting the 30% to force a meeting because the reps refused to schedule their normal October meeting. Ignored council resolutions to resign, not vote for TI, recall NC and MC.
And the small councils who while are still very important but are statistically not a factor in a roll call vote.

Who would have thought TI would have such an affect on our union lol. I never would have guess he could rally the troops like he has! Unfortunately for him it was not in his support but that he and his supporters on the MEC insulted the pilot group so thoroughly with the Tumi TA that we finally have found our voices and cajones!
So what happens when TA2 is accepted via membership ratification this or next month?

What do all the new reps on the MEC do if their purpose was a better TA?

Seems like Recalls are in order after TA2 fails, not before. If the process is working to get a better agreement, and its happening, why not wait till TA2?
Quote: So what happens when TA2 is accepted via membership ratification this or next month?

What do all the new reps on the MEC do if their purpose was a better TA?

Seems like Recalls are in order after TA2 fails, not before. If the process is working to get a better agreement, and its happening, why not wait till TA2?
Why would we give them more time when they have gone on record stating this is the best they can get? TA1 came out in June. Let that sink in. Here we are in October and what has changed? They punted the vote out until November. Doubled down with the 2 of the same NC and gave Jeff B a 94.5 job for his epic failure. (Along side Brad H in the “contract interpretation committee”? Our contract was signed in 2012 and we have been paying him 10 years to interpret it? He’s so bad he needs another sidekick now in case new issues come up 10 years later?) How many dues dollars have been wasted on all the selling? We are 4 months into a doomed TA already. That is 4 months that could have been spent at the table. We still have no SPC spooled up. We have yet to hold a single picketing event. We are over 1000 days past our amendable date and our new retread NC chairman puts out comms that says they’re addressing the concessions in TA1? Removing the concessions and adding a couple percent more of a raise is not going to be acceptable to this pilot group. How much more wasted time is acceptable to you?

DAL set the example for how to handle an out of touch MEC in 2015. TA failed. They recalled reps and even had an MC and a few reps show dignity and resign. Elected new reps. Got a new NC and got back to the table. They were rewarded with an improved TA with retro to the amendable date. We have reps fighting tooth and nail to even avoid holding LEC meetings until after the BOD Vegas party. I’m personally not interested in a TA2. I’m interested in tossing TA1 in the trash and getting to work on a contract our pilot group can be proud of.
You're not addressing the simple point.

If TA2 is approved by the membership, then what? The problem is fixed and approved.

Now the reps on the MEC that have replaced the recalled... what are they there for if the entire political movement was to fix the TA?
Quote: You're not addressing the simple point.

If TA2 is approved by the membership, then what? The problem is fixed and approved.

Now the reps on the MEC that have replaced the recalled... what are they there for if the entire political movement was to fix the TA?
My point is I (and most I have spoken to) are tired of wasting time. If this perfect TA2 magically appears by November 1st and it’s good enough to pass the muster then the current reps stand a chance to convince their councils that they were the right people. You do realize that the recall resolutions were simply to force a vote right? The only ones recalled so far are in EWR. LAX/SFO and (tbd friday) DEN are simply forcing a ballot to go out in November sometime to let the members vote on recalling the reps. Nov 1 will have come and gone by the time the ballots close. If people waited to see a TA2 then it would be an ADDITIONAL 4-5 months lost in the negotiations. So instead of being 4 months after their failure it would be 8-10 before we start the process. As it stands now they have their feet to the fire. If they produce a great TA2 chances are the recall ballots will fail at the LEC level in November.

The timeline to get a TA is very much against that happening. For this TA. May 13th MEC update announces an AIP reached. June 16th MEC update announces it’s now a TA and goes into the 7 day discussion. June 23rd it was approved by the MEC. 1 month and 10 days from AIP to TA out to the pilot group. How long until Nov 1st? I don’t see it happening do you?

Question 2. The interim reps are there to be LC reps until the normal voting cycle. They were voted in and expected to represent the council and it’s members. Just like any other rep. Any new TA will have to be evaluated and voted on before going to the membership for ratification. It is expected that new reps would take that job seriously and not send out a POS like Tumi TA.
Quote: My point is I (and most I have spoken to) are tired of wasting time. If this perfect TA2 magically appears by November 1st and it’s good enough to pass the muster then the current reps stand a chance to convince their councils that they were the right people. You do realize that the recall resolutions were simply to force a vote right? The only ones recalled so far are in EWR. LAX/SFO and (tbd friday) DEN are simply forcing a ballot to go out in November sometime to let the members vote on recalling the reps. Nov 1 will have come and gone by the time the ballots close. If people waited to see a TA2 then it would be an ADDITIONAL 4-5 months lost in the negotiations. So instead of being 4 months after their failure it would be 8-10 before we start the process. As it stands now they have their feet to the fire. If they produce a great TA2 chances are the recall ballots will fail at the LEC level in November.

The timeline to get a TA is very much against that happening. For this TA. May 13th MEC update announces an AIP reached. June 16th MEC update announces it’s now a TA and goes into the 7 day discussion. June 23rd it was approved by the MEC. 1 month and 10 days from AIP to TA out to the pilot group. How long until Nov 1st? I don’t see it happening do you?

Question 2. The interim reps are they to act as LC reps until the normal voting cycle. They were voted in and expected to represent the council and it’s members. Just like any other rep.
I’m guessing that that TA2 would just be fixing/changing specific parts, a total rewrite wont be necessary. For example, getting rid of PUPs from section 23 is just a literal delete, increase in rates is change of spreadsheet. If you have read the MEC updates, PUPs and mandatory early reserve for example are gone. 9/8 Update: “These initial discussions have allowed us to set the foundation to build a new agreement without required early morning day-one reports, without the threat of non-seniority list instructors, and that includes improvements to the reserve assignment process, to name a few.”

Im also guessing that having an AIP with these changes needing some rewriting would be enough for them to pull TA1 and eventually replace it with TA2 vote shortly after 11/1. Now will the changes and improvements be enough to get to at least 50.1% that is million dollar question.
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