The Empire Strikes Back

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Sad news from council 7 meeting. It looks like the MEC Chair is firing volunteers while the recalls are going on. This is a very bad look.
Quote: Sad news from council 7 meeting. It looks like the MEC Chair is firing volunteers while the recalls are going on. This is a very bad look.
Who got fired? And when is the MEC chair going to resign? He's been the biggest clown in this whole sad circus.
Quote: Who got fired? And when is the MEC chair going to resign? He's been the biggest clown in this whole sad circus.

Vice Chair Scope was fired. Looks like the swamp did not like that Vice Chair recommended NO Vote for New Scope section alone. CN was on very shaky ground before this
unforced error. Now, secondary explosions.
Scope vice chose to publicly post a BS wet lease scenario with bad math and incorrect conclusions. All while never bothering to run it by his Chair or get anyone to provide a measure of QC on the comm. Intentions are irrelevant in this case. His choices have consequences and they’re coming to fruition. His wet lease us all out of jobs scenario was utter BS and never should have been published. If he was just another APCer that’s one thing. But he wasn’t. He has an obligation to ensure anything that can be tied to his position is more than just an opinion and has basis in actual fact.
Quote: Scope vice chose to publicly post a BS wet lease scenario with bad math and incorrect conclusions. All while never bothering to run it by his Chair or get anyone to provide a measure of QC on the comm. Intentions are irrelevant in this case. His choices have consequences and they’re coming to fruition. His wet lease us all out of jobs scenario was utter BS and never should have been published. If he was just another APCer that’s one thing. But he wasn’t. He has an obligation to ensure anything that can be tied to his position is more than just an opinion and has basis in actual fact.
I don't think the "wet lease us out of a job" theory is that far fetched. Have you watched what is happening to our Express delivery drivers lately? Long term, full time employees are being terminated, and replaced by contract labor. It is not a stretch to think the company wouldn't do that to us as well, and we almost gave them to the scope permission to do it.
Quote: Scope vice chose to publicly post a BS wet lease scenario with bad math and incorrect conclusions. All while never bothering to run it by his Chair or get anyone to provide a measure of QC on the comm. Intentions are irrelevant in this case. His choices have consequences and they’re coming to fruition. His wet lease us all out of jobs scenario was utter BS and never should have been published. If he was just another APCer that’s one thing. But he wasn’t. He has an obligation to ensure anything that can be tied to his position is more than just an opinion and has basis in actual fact.
Different topic, but related with regards to admitting the negative effects of TA1.0….

When line pilots asked about the first, second and third order effects of the company knocking FOs off of 40% of the LCA lines, the NC responded with telling us it would only affect 1-2 lines in OAK & IND.

Yeah, OK - how about admitting what it would do to all the bigger MEM bidpacks….??

In MEM 757 alone it could easily be 10-12 lines per month (about 6-8% of current bidpack)…with all those FOs now trying to rebuild their schedules in View/Add Window

Those pilots will pluck out the sweetest 750-900 credit hours / 125-150 one-day trips. What will be left for the VTO pilots?

The #1 VTO guy is going to really be the the #11- #13 VTO guy, and every subsequent VTO line be negatively affected too.

What will Initial Open Time look like after all secondary lines are built ? Answer = Worse!

R24 to R16 will also have a significant affect on Open Time. Less Open Time = less need for Reserves, and less ability for ALL pilots who want to adjust their schedules for increased QOL.

Let’s ALL be genuine and transparent.

In Unity (for Everyone),
Quote: Different topic, but related with regards to admitting the negative effects of TA1.0….

When line pilots asked about the first, second and third order effects of the company knocking FOs off of 40% of the LCA lines, the NC responded with telling us it would only affect 1-2 lines in OAK & IND.

Yeah, OK - how about admitting what it would do to all the bigger MEM bidpacks….??

In MEM 757 alone it could easily be 10-12 lines per month (about 6-8% of current bidpack)…with all those FOs now trying to rebuild their schedules in View/Add Window

Those pilots will pluck out the sweetest 750-900 credit hours / 125-150 one-day trips. What will be left for the VTO pilots?

The #1 VTO guy is going to really be the the #11- #13 VTO guy, and every subsequent VTO line be negatively affected too.

What will Initial Open Time look like after all secondary lines are built ? Answer = Worse!

R24 to R16 will also have a significant affect on Open Time. Less Open Time = less need for Reserves, and less ability for ALL pilots who want to adjust their schedules for increased QOL.

Let’s ALL be genuine and transparent.

In Unity (for Everyone),
Student lines were a MAJOR concession that would drop every FO secondary line holder 10% in seniority. That combined with a 14% DOS pay raise, it’s laughable anyone thought TA1 would pass.
It's alarming they made this rep a scapegoat. This TA failed for many reasons in addition to scope. The union needs to welcome new ideas and independent thinking instead of isolation and groupthink. In addition to the recalls there needs to be current union members recognizing the follies of the decision making process of the union leaders and pushing for change from within.
Quote: Scope vice chose to publicly post a BS wet lease scenario with bad math and incorrect conclusions. All while never bothering to run it by his Chair or get anyone to provide a measure of QC on the comm. Intentions are irrelevant in this case. His choices have consequences and they’re coming to fruition. His wet lease us all out of jobs scenario was utter BS and never should have been published. If he was just another APCer that’s one thing. But he wasn’t. He has an obligation to ensure anything that can be tied to his position is more than just an opinion and has basis in actual fact.
The Scope Chair admitted during the first road show the Scope Vice Chair was not allowed in the conversation about the new scope language. I also asked about three different use cases for the company to use the 7000 Block hours (1% of last years flying) to which the Scope Chair said "they didn't consider" those use cases. They only looked back at historical wet lease patterns.

So who should go? Not the Vice. A dramatical change to scope language should have had all hands on deck, however, yet again they (the cabal) hid in the cone of confusion and try to down play a major give back while every other contract in the industry is making gains.

So who should go?
Quote: It's alarming they made this rep a scapegoat. This TA failed for many reasons in addition to scope. The union needs to welcome new ideas and independent thinking instead of isolation and groupthink. In addition to the recalls there needs to be current union members recognizing the follies of the decision making process of the union leaders and pushing from change from within.
The former Scope Vice Chair was not a rep. And I suspect the former Scope Vice Chair will get another chance to volunteer as soon as the MEC Chair is removed.

I am amazed by the level of vindictiveness being displayed by our MEC Chair. A person who should know they will be removed by the MEC perhaps even before the chairs are refilled. This is sad to witness. But in the end, we will emerge stronger and more unified and for that I am grateful.

I guess we can lay to rest the notion that this was the most transparent, open, integrity based MEC in History.
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