LOA? Just don't go

OK let's say this passes and you get inversed. What if you don't sign the agreement the company "requires"?
See section A.2.C of the LOA. Appears that if you don't sign you get frozen in your seat but I'd get the unions read on it to be sure.
Quote: OK let's say this passes and you get inversed. What if you don't sign the agreement the company "requires"?
I could be wrong, but I believe the "agreement" is related to the FDA's not the STV.
Quote: I could be wrong, but I believe the "agreement" is related to the FDA's not the STV.
That is my read on it also. If you want to bid the FDA and get the package, then you must sign the contract. If you get inversed into STV and don't go then its "death by bugga bugga".
Quote: That is my read on it also. If you want to bid the FDA and get the package, then you must sign the contract. If you get inversed into STV and don't go then its "death by bugga bugga".
Sorry I must have misunderstood the question. If you get tapped for the STV and don't want to go, unless you have special circumstances, the chief pilot said last night "you're an employee of this company and I will send you where I need you". If you still say no I guess you could be looking for a new job.
Quote: Sorry I must have misunderstood the question. If you get tapped for the STV and don't want to go, unless you have special circumstances, the chief pilot said last night "you're an employee of this company and I will send you where I need you". If you still say no I guess you could be looking for a new job.

Like I said, "death by Bugga Bugga"
Quote: Sorry I must have misunderstood the question. If you get tapped for the STV and don't want to go, unless you have special circumstances, the chief pilot said last night "you're an employee of this company and I will send you where I need you". If you still say no I guess you could be looking for a new job.
Of course you could always schedule that critical bunion surgery for your 1st day of STD.