Gojets fined??

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Rumours have it that gojets has been fined $66 million for not doing a mandatory inspection on the landing gear system. The inspections was signed off, but FAA found that they had never been done.

Asked an FAA safety inspector based in STL and he said he couldnt comment since it was under investingation..

Details anyone??
66 million would be pretty stiff ......
I'll start chilling the champagne......
Quote: 66 million would be pretty stiff ......
What i heard was that there is a x-hour(dont know the number) inspection and they havent done it once since the airplanes was new.... that was 60 mill. In addition they had signed off that a new engine was put on a plane, but the new engine was still in hangar, while plane was flying.... 6 mill for that one....
Quote: I'll start chilling the champagne......
If this is true, there will definately be a celebration.
Scum will get whats coming if its true.
GoJets must have hired some "Fired" MESA mechanics . . . .
Quote: GoJets must have hired some "Fired" MESA mechanics . . . .
Mesa mx man for man were good guys overall. Overworked and underpaid like the rest of the employee group. Once again mgmt was the problem in the equation.
When go jet folds you can bet i will bid off for a few days to go to STL and party like its 1999, i might even take my shirt off and throw beer caps into the street in a fit of joy!
Quote: When go jet folds you can bet i will bid off for a few days to go to STL and party like its 1999, i might even take my shirt off and throw beer caps into the street in a fit of joy!
I will get drunk, climb light poles, and get yelled at by rent-a-piggies.
By the way, I jumpseated from IND to STL today on the same flight as Miss EH from our TSA class. I'm still hoping she and Miss JC join the ranks of CHQers.
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