Frontier/ExpressJet Info

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Any idea where those birds are coming from? Are they coming off the branded side? Under-utilized charter aircraft?
I believe they're being pulled from charter, but don't quote me on it.
I always thought TSA was a bottom feeder but now I'm not so sure....
Quote: I always thought TSA was a bottom feeder but now I'm not so sure....
your right you are clueless.......................

Comments like that **** me off, we had CAL withdrawal 69 airplanes from the CPA, why you ask? Because Larry & Co felt as though we were charging them too much, so our management could have done it for less, asking us, the employees for concessions. Thats not what happened. Our management told Larry to go **** Himself. Here we are taking a big risk with Branded and an airline comes to us and asks us to fly some of the routes, and that makes us a bottom feeder? If I didn't want to get kicked of APC I would call you an idiot............
AWAC is a good company so Im not going to start bashing your airline but I dont see your airline doing anything spectacular other than paying for the US Airways flying
We didn't pay for it... we invested in our future. Not only did we make all of that money back two fold but we secured a 15 year contract with them for our ENTIRE fleet. I think that is pretty spectacular. I'm not bashing, I think ExpressJet is a saint of a company for treating you and your fellow employees as well as the do. However, I have heard many people much like yourself make fun of companies like TSA that will take just any flying. I have you know that TSA has no plan on accepting any flying that isn't long term.

I am simply making a noble observation
Quote: We didn't pay for it... we invested in our future.
The pot said to the kettle.
Calling a company a bottom feeder is a noble observation? ok..

I don't believe bottom feeders lose their flying for being too expensive. If ExpressJet wins a contract for flying all while treating their employees well and keeping high morale, then you should be happy for them. We need more airlines like XJET out there. When a company that treats their employees like crap wins flying, it hurts all pilots and lowers their value. You are either jealous of XJET or just plain ignorant on this matter.
Quote: I always thought TSA was a bottom feeder but now I'm not so sure....
Sooooo....Lynx can't get their act together quick enough, Frontier comes to XJT for the lift they need to start the routes they've committed to (and sold tickets for) and that makes XJT a bottom feeder? Think this would be a good time for you to put down the bong before you kill too many more brain cells...
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