Lear 35 salary

Hi! If someone has the 2007 Pro Pilot salary survey and wouldn't mind helping a fellow out; could someone post salaries for Lear 25/35/31 for both captains and fo's?

Much appreciated!
In August, I was offered $45K for FO in a 31 - a Part 91 management/Part 135 combo position that was 14 on, 7 off schedule. CA start at $57K.
First year F/O at my company is 27k + a type rating, second year is 37K. Upgrade usually less than 2 years. First year CA 57k, 4k per year raise.

F/O usually makes 5000k+ per year ot, Ca 10k+ per year.

You should be able to find much better salaries than this in a big market(ny, la, chi). Good Luck!
Learjet 35 Numbers

CAPT: 73K F/O: 48K

CAPT: 64K F/O: 42K

Source: Pro Pilot, June 2007
Quote: Learjet 35 Numbers

CAPT: 73K F/O: 48K

CAPT: 64K F/O: 42K

Source: Pro Pilot, June 2007
Thanks, geosynchronous. Are these numbers averages or median? And of what? US only?
You're welcome!

Those were the averages. Lear 31 numbers were just about par, Lear 20 series were less. Like the other folks mentioned, there might be a geographic multiplier factored in to the salaries, which can help or hurt.

The Lear 20/30 series aircraft are in the declining stage of the product life cycle, so I would presume that salaries will follow.