Soooo....Is the bid being delayed or not?

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Soooo...Is the bid being delayed or not?

Does anyone have any "inside intel" from contacts in the Union or the company regarding the status of the bid?

Did the union actually take any formal action to request delay?

Given we're down to less then 24 hrs until COB on 19 Nov, I would expect something to be announced soon...if any changes are actually in the works.

A'o Aloha
Yes, it will be delayed Monday.

If anyone else has any questions pertaining to the meaning of life, the wonders or mysteries of the world, or the numbers to the next NY lottery, ask away!
Quote: Soooo...Is the bid being delayed or not?

Does anyone have any "inside intel" from contacts in the Union or the company regarding the status of the bid?

Did the union actually take any formal action to request delay?

Given we're down to less then 24 hrs until COB on 19 Nov, I would expect something to be announced soon...if any changes are actually in the works.

A'o Aloha
I think it will all come down to how many F/O's bid the thing. Personally,I think it will be delayed, and we'll be voting on a new FDA that allows each side to save face. I could be wrong, I voted for Nader the last time around
Why cancel the bid? Why would the company be in a hurry to make a bet at a poker table if the other guy (us) is willing to show them our hand and then let them bet? I am guessing the LOA may be tweeked after the bid comes out or the LOA side letter is signed, but the bid will go on!!!

If I were the company, that is what I would do.... just a guess though
Quote: Why cancel the bid? Why would you be in a hurry to make a bet at a poker table if the other guy is willing to show you his hand and then let you bet? I am guessing the LOA may be tweeked after the bid comes out or the LOA side letter is signed, but the bid will go on!!!

If I were the company, that is what I would do.... just a guess though
If it's "tweeked", we need to VOTE on it! The days of the FCH are long gone.
Quote: If it's "tweeked", we need to VOTE on it! The days of the FCH are long gone.

We Should get to vote on it, but if history is a lesson..... well maybe not.
Quote: We Should get to vote on it, but if history is a lesson..... well maybe not.
Lets' just keep our fingers crossed.
Quote: I think it will all come down to how many F/O's bid the thing. Personally,I think it will be delayed, and we'll be voting on a new FDA that allows each side to save face. I could be wrong, I voted for Nader the last time around
Quote: I think it will all come down to how many F/O's bid the thing. Personally,I think it will be delayed, and we'll be voting on a new FDA that allows each side to save face. I could be wrong, I voted for Nader the last time around
But remember, we got the best the company would offer at the time! Ha ha
Quote: Nader...Figures.

Oh now now.........
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