Anyone reconsidering airlines?

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To any military folks coming up on separation...

are you reconsidering separating in light of the age 65 legislation? I was about 50/50 before, now I'm leaning on staying in 10 more years and going for 20.
depends on the bonus and the promo to 0-4. my board is next year. bonus eligible in oct 2010. i hate to say this but i wouldnt be surprised if they took the bonus away. if so, i'm out. if i get the promo, the bonus, but my next assignment is a 4 yr trip to fly preds at cannon ill prob agree to it, then 7 day opt when i get the rip just so i can have the last laugh. bwahahahah!
O-4 board you have a pulse?
On a slightly more serious note...

Obviously need to consider all your options but being part of the paycheck a month club will be nice. Are you having fun still? The grass is always greener...
i was hoping my pulse will flatline next year so i dont get it. lol

speaking of getting passed over. if you arent selected for promotion, will they let you seperate immediately or do you have to serve your remaining adsc?

fun.....i think the "fun" wore off after the first 6 months of 12 hr days and phase 1/2s. plus, im sick of moving. not saying i'm dead set on getting out but i'm exploring my options.
Make sure you are leaving for the right reasons. I have heard and seen people leave the service and end up wishing they hadn't. The airlines has both + and -, just like the military.

Second, take a look at one of the threads I posted awhile back regarding the decision to seperate or not. There were a lot of great comments. For me, it came down to how much ass pain and risk do I want to put my family through to make the transition to the airlines. In addition, I looked at the instability of the airlines and did not want to take the chance of getting laid off or having the company merge. I have a wife and three kids to think about and, for me, it was not worth the risk. That being said, I think it depends on your Ops Tempo too. But realize the grass is not always greener.

Best advice I can give...research the hell out of it, gets the facts, then make your own decision. For me I am staying in to 20. You can PM me with questioins. Good luck.
I'm out, well at least partial. I plan on staying in the reserves and flying while looking for an airline job or maybe work for a defense contractor or something along those lines. For me its just time to move on so does not matter if they are hiring or not.
On active duty, you can't control things like ORIs, non-flying remotes and endless paperwork. In the airlines, you can't control the economy, mergers, or the price of oil. You may miss holidays and birthdays whether you fly the line for DAL or for the USAF.

For me (not yet an airline guy), age 65 isn't going to be THE factor that pushes me one way or the next. It's just another part of the equation (whatever that means). Tomorrow it could be a merger or it might be orders for a 365 non-flying job.
I will suggest for all of you that decide to get off active duty; try to find a reserve job. If not for the job security, but for the camaraderie, both are missing from the airlines.
I was pretty well set on getting out the past 2 years or so. The current job I have is riding a desk, and being a fighter guy, it really hasn't floated my boat. I am up for orders this summer, which is in line with my commitment being up, so I can go either way. I complain a lot, but the fact is, I still like being a Marine. But that only goes so far since taking care of the family is top priority. If the monitor offers me one of my top two choices, I will take the orders and stay for another 2 or 3 years.

Age 65 hasn't changed my decision, but the fact is I haven't positioned myself well enough to get out just yet. I have about $100,000 in IRA/retirement savings, which is good for retirement, but I effectively have nothing in regards to a savings backup plan if I get hired and immediately thereafter have to survive a strike, get furloughed, or God forbid, don't make it through training for whatever reason. Granted I didn't get to where I am today by planning for failure, but with a wife and 2 kids, I have to have a contingency plan. All the cars are paid off and the only debt we have is the house mortgage, and we positioned ourselves with the house/mortgage that we shouldn't have to lose anything to sell it if it comes to that (ie, we have equity vice being upside down). So its not all doom and gloom in regard to our finances, but with contract negotiations coming up in the next couple years at almost every major, I am just not in a position to take a pay cut and then survive a strike or furlough. I think thats a serious issue that needs to be planned for, and my retirement account is not a "war fund" that I plan on tapping in the event of a strike.

I'm at 11 years now. I haven't bought into the whole mantra of "if you don't get out now, you are in for 20" I have no problem taking the next set of orders if I get what I want, take the extra $1000 a month the O-4 promotion gives us and bank it all for 3 years on top of our regular savings, and be better positioned to reevaluate in 3 years. 3 years down the road, if I get another set of orders I want, maybe I'll take them, maybe not.

If I don't get promoted, this all becomes moot, as the $70,000 goes right into the coffers of the war fund and I go right to interviewing with everybody I can.

BTW, question was asked above about how long you have after you get passed over. The law is that as an officer, you get passed twice for promotion, you are out seven months after the list is confirmed. The list comes out in January, you probably have a EAS of 1 Aug. If you are still on your commitment, it doesn't matter. That commitment is effectively a gentleman's agreement between you and your service (USAF, USN, USMC, etc), whereas the law is set in Title 10, United States Code. The law trumps your commitment.
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