Who would have thought?!?!!?

Very sad to read.

Originally Posted by ExperimentalAB
Can anybody actually, seriously wish ill-will on WN?? I know that happens in the Regionals all the time, but ya'll grow up when you move on, right??

Count I: At the Regionals, the 59,791 cycles (even self-disclosed) may have resulted in $10K per.

Count II: The 1451 additional cycles would probably have been levied at the maximum $25K per (willful intent).

$ 626 million ($ 590M + $36M) makes jo's Hawaiian headache look like chump change.

This makes the WN CFO's decision very easy to write the 10M check.

There's 2 other threads on this subject, but yeah this is really bad news for SWA. The airline industry does not need this right now. Looks like the investigation is uncovering more and more.
"DING", You are now free to write the government a check!

(Sorry, couldn't help myself!)

wow! they,ll prob pay less if they can negotiate this . not good at all but hey no ones perfect .