
Is it possible to separate politics from our industry?

The mods say "yes".

I say "no way."

What does everyone else think?
Quote: Is it possible to separate politics from our industry?

The mods say "yes".

I say "no way."

What does everyone else think?
Wow, let it go already.
Think of the Moderators as Neo and this is the Matrix. They can do with is as they see fit.

Just because....
Quote: Is it possible to separate politics from our industry?

The mods say "yes".

I say "no way."

What does everyone else think?
From what I have seen it can be difficult to separate them especially when someone throws a derogatory bomb in the room and exits. In this case it was my new BFF TSquare who used "Mcclown" and Spaceman reacted after a few more political comments by those who think the dems will be the salvation of the airline industry. I personally wish we could all discuss politics with a level of maturity that rises above kindergarten. Not likely though, just too much emotion (on both sides) and some are unable too remain calm enough.

Anyway, good on you Spaceman for doing battle with those that appear to lean left.
Mods don't make the rules. We only ask that everyone abide by the Terms of Service (TOS). When one joins this forum, they agree to the TOS. Here is a review of the paragraph that addresses political discussions.

Topics Not for Discussion

There are currently NO forums that provide a venue for discussing politics or religion. While DreamLaunch Media Ltd. and Airline Pilot Central embrace the diversity the world has to offer, these subjects often are very emotional and there are many different views. In our experience the wide range of views and emotions rarely contribute to a harmonious online community or beneficial contributions to the piloting profession.