paying for tuition

Hi everyone, I am starting my flight training this september and was wondering how other people have paid for their student loans etc after graduating with all their ratings? When im done school I will have a PPL, Multi engine, night, IFR, Commercial, and a frozen ATPL. It roughly costs $58,000. I know I wont be making jack didly right out of school and this is why im asking how others paid for it. Also how did everyone else build their hours? instructing? any info will be great thanks.
Cash. I did not start flight training until I had the money in the bank.
well if I waited until I had the cash I would be 30 years old and it would be a waste of time. Im 20 now and wondering about people who did it through student loans and etc. I dont have the cash now and wont for a while. The government gave me half in student loans and my bank is giving me the rest. So how did you do your training and hour building? military? instructing? or did you find a job right out of school for a low cost carrier?
hey Noob, Definately say it had to be a combo of both. Nobody is gonna have all the money they need for all of the training right off the bat. A lot of stuff will have to be done piecemeal, and you get what rating you can pay for at the time. Unless you are like one student I had whose grandparents were "loaning" here the money(must be nice). I would say pay for what you can out of pocket, definately budget for a lot more because of cost overruns due to wx, mx, etc, but don't fully look away from a loan, I got loans for my CFI, not that they are paid off or anything, but worth it, because I just didn't have the money.
Are you still a flight instructor? or have you moved on from that?
Also if I do well in school my college will pay for my training to become a CFI. If im average they will pay half of it!
I used my GI bill to help from the military and trained in the rattiest cheapest most worthless 152 I could find at 55/hr and found a contract CFI who taught for 30/hr. I then found a school with a duchess (see ratty, worthless, non airworthy as well as incredibly poorly equipped) for 145/hr.

I then instructed and flew part 91 and freelanced every spare minute I could get until I moved on.
Quote: well if I waited until I had the cash I would be 30 years old and it would be a waste of time. Im 20 now and wondering about people who did it through student loans and etc. I dont have the cash now and wont for a while. The government gave me half in student loans and my bank is giving me the rest. So how did you do your training and hour building? military? instructing? or did you find a job right out of school for a low cost carrier?
I served tables/bartended at night payed for all the training. It cost a decent amount of money but I was able to finish everything part 61, with a lot of multi-time. All them money I make now is mine, I don't have student loans.
Hey Noob, in response to your q, I am still a practicing flight instructor in addition to my day job. Right now I'm at RAH, but looking to get out, Personally, I don't think I was cut out to be an airline pilot--I'm one of those guys that liked being a cfi, and I was good at it.
Cash.......stay away from debt as much as practical.