Skywest airlines hiring

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does any one have any information on the posibility of skywest hiring early next year? if they are, into what equipment?
Ah, yes.....The weekly SkyWest hiring thread...
Men, what kind of question is that? It is hard enough knowing when the entire industry will pick up again much less a specific airline.
Quote: does any one have any information on the posibility of skywest hiring early next year? if they are, into what equipment?
I spoke with a Pilot who is trying to become a part of the hiring team about 2 weeks ago. He told me that they will start hiring in the first Quarter of 2009. But who know? The industry changes daily.
with the rumor of skywest furloughing around feb, i seriously doubt they are going to be hiring.

and no thats not flamebait. that is what i have heard from several friends there.
Quote: does any one have any information on the posibility of skywest hiring early next year? if they are, into what equipment?
Oh boy, another 20 page flame-fest...get some popcorn.
Quote: with the rumor of skywest furloughing around feb, i seriously doubt they are going to be hiring.

and no thats not flamebait. that is what i have heard from several friends there.
That sucks
not saying its for sure but that seems to be the rumor floating around. most of my buddies have about 1000 guys below them so they aren't worried about being furloughed. what is worrying them is that they will never be able to upgrade. at least not in the next year or more. several of my friends will be on 4th year fo pay in the next couple of months and are not to happy about getting close to topping off the fo payscale and not even being close to upgrading. ofcourse i told them the same thing. i will be starting 4th year fo pay here at ole pinchanickle, and no upgrade in sight..

i am sure some other skywest pilots will chime in here if they have heard that also, but several of my friends who fly there have told me the same thing.
Quote: He told me that they will start hiring in the first Quarter of 2009.
Quote: with the rumor of skywest furloughing around feb, i seriously doubt they are going to be hiring.
Does the pilot contract at SKW prevent simultaneous hiring and furloughing? Maybe you're both right.
Quote: Does the pilot contract at SKW prevent simultaneous hiring and furloughing?
What possible purpose could that serve?
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